29 Strategic Risk Register and Partnership Arrangements PDF 330 KB
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Committee considered a detailed report which provided an update on the Council’s current position regarding its risk management arrangements.
The Council’s Risk Management Strategy, which was approved by Executive in March 2020, had recently been reviewed and refreshed and was appended to the report along with the Council’s Strategic Risk Register.
The Strategy detailed the work of the Risk Management Group (RMG), which was chaired by the Portfolio Holder for Finance, and provided a comprehensive oversight of risk throughout the organisation.
The RMG oversaw all Council operational and strategic risk registers ensuring they were up to date and accurate whilst offering challenge to the assessment process itself. The RMG was responsible for risk management reporting to stakeholder groups across the Council including the Audit and Corporate Overview Scrutiny Committee and supported the production of the Annual Governance Statement. The RMG led on the development and review of all risk related policies, plans and strategies across the Council and oversaw and championed the implementation of the Risk Management Strategy and associated action plan.
The refreshed action plan was contained within the Risk Management Strategy 2022, and the actions outlined for the Risk Management Group were as follows:
· Develop an annual programme of operational risk register reviews to ensure all are reviewed every 12 months
· Further develop project and partnership risk management arrangements and reporting to the RMG
· Develop and undertake refreshed risk management awareness training for all staff
· Develop and undertake risk management awareness training for all Members (as part of the induction training following the Elections in May 2023)
The Portfolio Holder for Finance noted that the RMG meetings were good meetings and he thanked the Executive Director of Resources for the work which had been done on the Register.
Further to a query from the Chair, it was agreed that he would attend any future Risk Management meetings as an observer.
Moved by Councillor Tom Munro and seconded by Councillor Chris Kane
RESOLVED that the report be noted.
RECOMMENDED that the refreshed Risk Management Strategy be presented to Executive for approval.
(Executive Director of Resources/Interim Governance Manager)
7. Strategic Risk Register and Partnership Arrangements PDF 330 KB
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