38 Corporate Ambitions Performance Update - April - June 2022 (Quarter 1 - 2022/23) PDF 469 KB
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Committee considered a report which provided the Quarter 1 outturns for the Council’s Ambition targets 2020-2024.
Out of the 31 Council plan targets, 22 were on track (71%), 1 achieved its outturn for 2021/22 (3%), 1 was on alert (3%) and 7 had been achieved previously (23%).
Out of the 47 service indicators, 29 had a positive outturn (62%), 14 had a negative outturn (29%) and 4 were within target (8%).
Two new KPI’s had been introduced in Housing Management which were; HOU 03 - Proportion of rent collected (inclusive of all charges e.g. heating, support charges etc) and HOU04 – Proportion of current tenants over 12 weeks in arrears.
The Scrutiny and Elections Officer queried the commentary in the report in relation to HOUS 05 and noted that it appeared to incorporate non-standard voids. The Improvement Officer would look into this and ensure the commentary was clear for future reports.
The Chair referred to CSP 21 - % Stage 3 complaints responded to in 20 working days (Quarterly) and noted the outturn of 53% against a target of 100%. He queried if there would be any reassurance for an improved outturn in Quarter 2. The Improvement Officer noted that there had been a significant increase in reviews internally and also that a new officer was in the role of Corporate Complaints Officer. The Scrutiny and Elections Officer also advised that the outturns for Quarters 3 and 4 would be considered by the Customer Services Scrutiny Committee on Monday 10th October.
Moved by Councillor Tom Munro and seconded by Councillor Chris Kane
RESOLVED that the quarterly outturns against the Council Ambition 2020-2024 targets and relevant performance indicators be noted.
16. Corporate Ambitions Performance Update - April - June 2022 (Quarter 1 - 2022/23) PDF 469 KB
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