48 Ambition Plan Targets Performance Update - July to September 2022 PDF 471 KB
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Committee considered an update report that provided details of progress against the targets contained within the Ambition Plan.
A brief historic overview of the Council’s overall vision was provided for information.
A summary of performance was provided as follows:-
· Ambition Plan
21 targets were on track
1 target had been withdrawn
1 target continued to be on alert
1 target had been amended
7 targets achieved previously
· Service Plan Indicators
47 service indicators
36 service indicators had a positive outturn
11 service indicators had a negative outturn
It was noted that most of the Council’s Ambition Plan targets were on track.
A brief explanation of the Council plan targets achieved and by exception was provided and the following highlighted:-
· ENV.03 – Achieve a combined recycling and composting rate of 50% by March 2024
This target had been amended. The UK Resource & Waste Strategy was awaited.
The Chair raised his concern about the level of recycling being undertaken throughout the District. An article had been included on Bolsover TV to inform residents of the items that could be recycled. He suggested that other ways of publicising recycling information be explored, e.g. Intouch, and requested that a report be provided on the measures being taken to encourage residents to recycle.
Mrs. Ruth Jaffray suggested that links be made with schools. The Information, Engagement & Performance Officer advised that Officers had been visiting local schools.
· ENV.08 – Bring 5 empty properties back into use per year through assistance and enforcement measures
It was reported that the Portfolio Holder for Environmental Health & Licensing was considering another way of measuring this activity more effectively.
· CUS.07 – Reduce average re-let times for standard voids (Council properties) to 20 calendar days by March 2021 and maintain thereafter
The new Voids Officer was now in post and discussions were ongoing in relation to improving the void property process.
The Information, Engagement & Performance Manager referred to Appendix 2 and highlighted that the Service Manager was not overly concerned regarding LE 01 (Number of people participating in Council leisure, sport, recreational, health, physical and cultural activity each year), as he expected an increase in users due to the installation of the new 3G football pitch.
The Portfolio Holder for Finance referred to the collection of Council Tax and Rents and advised that residents were being encouraged to contact the Revenues and Benefits Section to make arrangements for payments.
The Chair thanked the Information, Engagement & Performance Manager for the report.
Moved by Councillor Tom Munro and seconded by Councillor Chris Kane
RESOLVED that the quarterly outturns against the Council Ambition 2020-2024 targets and relevant performance indicators be noted.