Issue - meetings

Customer Service Standards and Compliments, Comments and Complaints 2021/22 - 1st April 2022 to 30th September 2022

Meeting: 12/12/2022 - Customer Services Scrutiny Committee (Item 33)

33 Customer Service Standards and Compliments, Comments and Complaints 2022/23 - 1st April 2022 to 31st September 2022 pdf icon PDF 889 KB


The Assistant Director of Housing Management & Enforcement and the Customer Services Manager provided Members with an overview of the Council’s performance for Q1 & Q2 2022/23, in relation to the Council’s customer standards and complaints.


The report presented followed the usual format but it was noted that following the change in delivery for customer standards and complaints that the reports would now be available on a more frequent, quarterly basis.  Furthermore, following feedback from Members at the last meeting, data for the compliments and stage 1 complaints was now presented in more of a summary format which would hopefully make the data more accessible to Members and officers.


Officers noted the headline detail in the cover report and then presented each of the appendices in turn.


Customer Service Standards (Appendix 1)

Most service areas except for Contact Centres had met the required standards in relation to telephone calls, with Contact Centres just 1% below target.  Live Chat data had now also been added to the report as previously discussed with Members.  A summary of performance for MP Enquiries had also been added and it was noted that the volume of enquiries was up by 50%.  To try alleviate pressure in dealing with this, officers were identifying those enquires that could have come as a customer service request and were raising them via contact centre rather than an MP enquiry. 


Corporate Telephone Standards (Appendix 2)

The data presented reflected both internal and direct dial external calls received by the service areas.  The performance for Q1 and Q2 was slightly below standard.  The table also included data on abandoned calls – a new feature of the report.  The target for this indicator had initially been set at 5% but all service areas were currently exceeding this, so it was noted that this would be reviewed again at Q3 with the target potentially revised to more accurately reflect call management by service areas.


Compliments, Comments and Complaints

Officers went through the summary of performance and then referred to the appendices in more detail.


Compliments (Appendix 3A)

This data was now being presented in a summarised format.  In total 78 written compliments were received during Q1 (40) and Q2 (38), with a number of the compliments relating to more than one service area.


Comments (Appendix 3B)

This data was now being presented in a summarised format.  A total of 10 had been received by the end of Q2 with a number of the compliments relating to more than one service area.  In total this was Q1 (7) and Q2 (3).  100% (all 10) had been acknowledged and passed to the respective department within the target time of 3 working days, for consideration when reviewing their service.


Informal Complaints (Frontline resolution stage 1) (Appendix 3C)

The data showed the number of Frontline Resolution complaints received by the Contact Centre service, in total 159 complaints had been recorded on the Customer Information System for the period (Q1 70 and Q2 89).  91% of which had  ...  view the full minutes text for item 33