36 Communal Area Management Policy PDF 640 KB
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Scrutiny’s consideration was sought in relation to a draft Communal Area Management Policy before its submission to tenants and leaseholders for consultation.
The Assistant Director of Housing Management & Enforcement advised that the Policy presented would cover all General Needs communal properties and those older persons’ housing schemes with communal areas. As noted when discussing the Mobility Scooter Policy, the Council had a number of properties with communal areas. The core elements of the Policy mirrored the new clause within the recently revised Tenancy Agreement.
Where any items were found following an inspection of a communal area, the Council would aim to identify the owner where possible. However, should the item found create a significant fire risk, it would be removed immediately and then subsequent enquires made to find the owner.
It was also planned to improve the quality of the communal areas through carpeting, sunken doormats, refreshed paintwork, window cleaning and monthly cleaning of the whole area. This would generate a service charge to the tenants but would be something that they could claim for, so shouldn’t incur a cost to those who were in receipt of eligible benefits. It was noted that the charges could not be introduced until April 2024 at the earliest due to the consultation and further works that needed to take place. Once complete and the Policy was live it would result in a weekly service charge.
A Member questioned who was responsible for implementation as a range of services were listed within the Policy at section 7. The officer advised that while the responsibility predominantly sat with Housing Management, support would be required from the range of services listed in order to complete the initial works and maintain the areas in the long-term. The wording of this section would be checked and rephrased if required.
Scrutiny Members acknowledged that this was an excellent idea and the work was long overdue to bring the areas up to standard. It was acknowledged that it was vitally important that the Council reduced additional fire risks in light of advice following the Grenfell disaster. Members also welcomed that the anticipated service charge would not come in to force until 2024 given the current cost of living crisis. This would hopefully provide a sufficient buffer allowing for change in the national situation.
Moved by Councillor Ray Heffer and seconded by Councillor Andrew Joesbury
RESOLVED that Members were satisfied with the draft Communal Area Management Policy.
(Assistant Director of Housing Management & Enforcement)