Issue - meetings

Dragonfly Update

Meeting: 01/02/2023 - Council (Item 84)

84 Dragonfly Development Limited - Full Business Case pdf icon PDF 561 KB

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Members considered a detailed report which provided a full business case in relation to Dragonfly Development Ltd.  Members’ approval was also sought for the recommendations in the report regarding the future arrangements for the operation of Dragonfly Development Ltd and also the Council. 


Councillor McGregor stated that it was with pleasure that he stood in for the Leader on this particular report.  He drew Members attention to the purpose and summary of the report which was to provide Council with the full business case in relation to Dragonfly Development Ltd for consideration, and to seek approval of the recommendations regarding the future arrangements for the operation of Dragonfly Development Ltd and the Council, outlined within the report.


On the update within the report on item 1.1, Members will be aware that Woodhead Construction Ltd, the Council’s joint venture partner from 2016, ceased trading on 14th September 2022.  On 2nd November 2022, Council received an update regarding arrangements put into place to ensure the continuity and completion of the current and future construction projects and option for the future of Dragonfly Development Ltd, as a wholly owned company of the Council.


I also refer to 1.2 on the report, at the meeting on 2nd November, it was noted that an agreement had been reached with Woodhead Regeneration Ltd, and ratified at the Dragonfly Board for Dragonfly Development Ltd to be converted into a wholly owned company of Bolsover District Council – this process was completed on 4th October 2022.


On 1.6, the case is attached at appendix 1 of the report, which Members have got, as part of the preparatory work undertaken in the development of the business case.  All Members were invited to attend a meeting with the independent consultant which took place on 13th December 2022. 


1.7 of the report, in addition, all Members were invited to receive a full presentation of the final business case on 19th January 2023, and have been provided with the opportunity to discuss the content and ask questions regarding the options proposed.


Finally, on this particular point in the report on the business case. 2.1 you will note the business case for Dragonfly Development Ltd of which you will see on appendix 1, which I’ll speak to in a moment, provides a detailed analysis on the 5 key themes as follows – and you will see that on page 92 of the front cover of the report further on.


These cover the strategic case, the economic case, the commercial case, the financial case, the management case, and details of each of these cases, together with the analysis and the options to consider, are outlined on page 1 of the business case.


It is worth remembering where we started in 2019.  We were engaged as a Council in a strategic alliance with North East Derbyshire District Council.  Our workforce was spread over the two authorities.  There was already a low morale and it was growing within the authorities.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 84