Additional documents:
The Scrutiny & Elections Officer presented the monitoring report to Members and updated on progress by officers in implementing the recommendations.
It was noted that to date 5 out of 12 recommendations had been achieved, 3 had been extended and 4 were on track but would hopefully be completed within the original twelve month monitoring period.
It was noted that officers from the Leader’s Executive & Partnerships Team had been unable to attend to provide an additional verbal update to Members on the new commissioning process and current progress. Members expressed their disappointment that officers were not present to give a more in-depth explanation and asked for further clarification post-meeting as to the commissioning process being used. Members were particularly concerned that a revised procedure had been developed to ensure that there was no duplication in the allocations given to local voluntary and community sector organisations.
The Assistant Director of Housing Management & Enforcement was present to advise Members on the grants that would still be transferred from Housing budgets directly rather than monitored by Leader’s Executive & Partnerships Team. It was noted that the grants currently transferred to Derbyshire Law Centre in relation to homelessness prevention, which supported provision of a dedicated officer, would be kept within the control of Housing services due to the nature of the government grant it came from and the monitoring required. The officer noted that there was no duplication in relation to this money. It was also noted that for completeness the outcomes achieved in relation to this particular allocation could be incorporated in to the wider annual report by the Leader’s Executive & Partnerships team so all the data could be accessed in one place.
The Assistant Director of Housing Management & Enforcement advised Members that further clarity was still being sought in relation to the additional funding transferred from the HRA to NEDCAB as it was still believed there was a potential overlap that needed to be addressed as part of the 2023/24 allocations. If a grant was to remain from the HRA, it was likely easier for the monitoring of the money to take place as part of wider monitoring of NEDCAB outcomes by Leader’s Executive & Partnerships team.
Further discussion took place and it was questioned whether the core grant to Derbyshire Law Centre should still look at immigration, debt and employment, on an equal footing given the current cost of living crisis and known increase in advice and guidance required in relation to debt and benefits.
Moved by Councillor Nick Clarke and seconded by Councillor Jen Wilson
RESOLVED that (1) the progress against the review recommendations be noted,
(2) the exceptions to delivery and additional action required by the service be acknowledged,
(3) the report and findings be made public, in accordance with Part 4.5.17(4) of the Council’s Constitution,
(4) officers continue to implement the recommendations and submit a final report in six months’ time highlighting any exceptions to delivery.
(Scrutiny & Elections Officer)