Agenda and minutes

New Bolsover Joint Partnership Committee - Thursday, 12th March, 2020 10.00 am

Venue: Bainbridge Hall

Contact: Donna Cairns  Senior Governance Officer

No. Item


Apologies For Absence


Apologies for absence were received on behalf of Councillor Chris Kane, Councillor Joan Dixon (Derbyshire County Council) and Catherine Platts (Contract Administrator / Building Surveyor BDC).



Urgent Items of Business

To note any urgent items of business which the Chairman has consented to being considered under the provisions of Section 100(B) 4(b) of the Local Government Act 1972.


The Chair informed Members that Friends of New Bolsover had submitted a specific point of consideration after publication of the agenda regarding “the problems reported in November 2019 with water ingress and slow speed in the snagging works.”


The Chair stated that he had discussed this with Ian Barber and Kim Wyatt, and they would incorporate these two raised issues into their verbal updates later in the agenda.



Declarations of Interest

Members should declare the existence and nature of any Disclosable Pecuniary Interest and Non Statutory Interest as defined by the Members’ Code of Conduct in respect of:


a)  any business on the agenda

b)  any urgent additional items to be considered

c)  any matters arising out of those items

and if appropriate, withdraw from the meeting at the relevant time.


There were no declarations made at the meeting.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 257 KB

To consider the minutes of the last meeting held on 5th December 2019.


Moved by Councillor Rose Bowler and seconded by Councillor David Dixon.


RESOLVED that theMinutes of the New Bolsover Joint Partnership Committee held on 5th December 2019 be approved as a true and correct record.



New Bolsover Heritage Lottery Fund Project



A presentation was given by the Property Services Manager updating Members on the Heritage Lottery Fund Project. He explained that the project’s building programme had reached the milestone of practical completion in mid-February 2020 and the next step would be to ensure the standards in the properties were acceptable. The practical completion meant that there were now fewer staff on site, and the project had entered Phase 2A. The target was for Phase 2A to be completed by May 2020.


Members asked if every house was visited as part of the standards check. The Property Services Manager explained that each house was visited during its sign off.


Members asked if chimney issues and ingress were properly investigated. The Property Services Manager stated that officers had not visited every property because they wanted to find out what the issues were before going. Members were informed that officers would come out and do snagging, then they would check it. If a problem was reported to them afterwards, they would come out and investigate it.


Members enquired if letters were sent to residents if they were experiencing problems. The Property Services Manager confirmed that residents who had problems officers were aware of were sent letters. He added that Members should let him know after the meeting of problems with any individual properties.


The New Bolsover Project Manager explained that the spreadsheet to record problems was being updated and would be done very soon, at which point it would be sent out to find and record problems. The Property Services Manager added that he would request the relevant officers collate information in the spreadsheet so problems are organised into areas like chimney, gutter, etc.


Martin Green (Friends of New Bolsover) reported instances of residents knocking on his door about property problems because they felt they had exhausted their options of people to report them to, and he was concerned there was a gap in communication. The Property Services Manager advised that for Council tenants, there was a 24 hour hotline that would go through to him, and the same hotline could even be used by private tenants if it was a significant problem.  He added that residents could also tell their local ward Councillor.


Martin Green (Friends of New Bolsover) raised another issue where Council tenants were receiving letters telling them the Council had “recently snagged” their property, but it had not been done recently. Members suggested that the letters could be sent once snagging was completed.


The Property Services Manager assured Members that with both of these issues in mind about communication and snagging letters, he would seek to send letters to Council tenants about their snagging being done as soon as it was completed, and letters to Council and private tenants about the aforementioned 24 hour hotline. The letters would also include assurance that the project team was still on site. The New Bolsover Project Manager agreed to assist in producing these letters.


The Property Services Manager elaborated on some of the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 509.


Model Village Play Area Plan pdf icon PDF 129 KB

Additional documents:


The Special Projects Officer presented the attached plan because the Council was seeking to procure the supply and installation of play equipment at New Bolsover Model Village.


He reported that six suppliers had submitted tender responses. Tender returns were due to be received in the next week.


The Chair asked if the tender selection panel would have representation on it from this Committee. The Special Projects Officer explained that people from Friends of New Bolsover would sit on the panel.


The Chair requested that the relevant ward Councillors and everyone in Friends of New Bolsover be made aware of this upcoming panel.


The New Bolsover Project Manager explained that as part of the green works within this plan, there were plans to resurface paths, address tree issues, and provide electronic points and efficient lights.


Martin Green (Friends of New Bolsover) reported that the grass had wasted away at the top of the green, and asked if installing grass slabs in this area could be included as part of the resurfacing work. The New Bolsover Project Manager stated that she would investigate if this could be included.


Members asked if grates that were loose on Piano Row had been addressed. The Property Services Manager explained that he had made Derbyshire County Council aware of this issue, and they had placed it on their annual emergency work list.


RESOLVED that the plan and update be noted.



Friends of New Bolsover Update


Martin Green (Friends of New Bolsover) delivered an update from Friends of New Bolsover on a number of issues and events.


He informed Members that Mosaic Support Group for Mental Health would be meeting every Wednesday at 12.30 p.m. to 2.30 p.m. He added that Mental Health professionals also attended the meetings every two weeks.


He informed Members that because of burglaries on allotments, FONB’s funds had been directed towards security recently.


He spoke about how the Toddler Group were beginning two sessions a week from 17 March 2020. He added that FONB would make efforts to combine the Mental Health group and the Toddler Group in order to offer people Antenatal advice.


He advised that FONB were looking to arrange an event for VE Day in May 2020 and a Big Lunch event in August 2020.


RESOLVED that the update be noted.