Venue: Virtual Meeting
Contact: Tom Scott (Governance Officer) Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies For Absence Minutes: There were no apologies for absence received |
Urgent Items of Business To note any urgent items of business which the Chairman has consented to being considered under the provisions of Section 100(B) 4(b) of the Local Government Act 1972. Minutes: There was no urgent business to be considered at the meeting. |
Declarations of Interest Members should declare the existence and nature of any Disclosable Pecuniary Interest and Non Statutory Interest as defined by the Members’ Code of Conduct in respect of:
a) any business on the agenda b) any urgent additional items to be considered c) any matters arising out of those items and if appropriate, withdraw from the meeting at the relevant time. Minutes: There were no declarations made at the meeting. |
To consider the minutes of the last meeting held on 12th March 2020. Minutes: Moved by Councillor Rose Bowler and seconded by Councillor Sandra Peake.
RESOLVED that the minutes of the New Bolsover joint Partnership Committee held on 12th March 2020 be approved as a true and correct record. |
Notes (10th September 2020) PDF 116 KB Notes of an informal meeting on 10th September 2020 Minutes: Moved by Councillor Tom Munro and seconded by Councillor Sandra Peake.
RESOLVED that the notes of the New Bolsover Model Village Committee held on 10th September 2020 be received. |
Notes (10th November 2020) PDF 113 KB Notes of an informal meeting on 10th November 2020 Minutes: Moved by Councillor Tom Munro and seconded by Councillor Derek Adams.
RESOLVED that the New Bolsover Model Village Committee held on 10th November 2020 be received.
New Bolsover Heritage Lottery Fund Project Verbal update Minutes: The New Bolsover Project Manager gave an update on the contract for the resurfacing of the paths across the Green, she explained it was due to be let through a Bolsover District Council procurement framework which had been managed by Steve Chapman from the BDC Engineers department. The Contractor had been asked to look at the drainage problems on the lower paths. An update on this would be presented at the next meeting.
The New Bolsover Project Manager then updated the meeting on the reasons why we had to use timber doors due to the listed status of the buildings. There is an expectation that traditional materials and detailing should be used and “off the peg” composite doors are not considered appropriate. It was also explained that the lease for the Community house had been put on hold due to Covid and the Strategic Repairs Manager explained that he had spoken to Clare regarding funding and a zoom meeting had been arranged to discuss arrangements to get back on track. A further update would be given at the next meeting.
The Special Projects Officer explained that the play area had been opened in October 2020, there were still currently major drainage issues and installation issues that had not been resolved and these will be re-inspected once the surfacing has had a chance to get established. He explained we haven’t paid for the installation yet as we were not satisfied with the quality of the finished product. These should be looked at in spring 2021.
Moved by Councillor Tom Munro and seconded by Councillor Sandra Peake.
(1) The presentation and updates be noted.
Project Work Verbal update Minutes: The Clerk Of Works – Housing gave the following update on a slide presentation for all the Committee to observe.
There are four scenarios really which are affecting us: Defective new doors with cracks / splits above manufactures tolerances: these are covered by RWL Poor quality paint finish on a New Door: these are covered by RWL Poor quality refurbishment: this is covered by RWL Old doors with splits & cracks or signs of rot: these doors weren’t deemed as requiring replacing by HLP on their original survey, this will now be down to the repairs coordinator for Bolsover who will view these per property and organize the required repairs or replacement, tenants can report any issues through the usual process, the use of door bolts is being trailed to help reduce the movement in the door and create a tight seal on the draft strip, with the council’s specialist joinery contractor the cost of a replacement timber door and frame meeting the project specification is currently in in excess of £1400 per door All doors across NBMV are being surveyed and where applicable the defective doors will be sent back to RWL so far 24 doors have been sent back as defective BDC’S 12 Month internal defects: The 12 month defect period has now past all BDC properties all residents have been written to and 82 properties responded and RWL have completed 74 of those, A latent defect period on is still in place
12 Month external defects: All blocks have been surveyed by BDC and issued to RWL, works are ongoing and specific labour has now been allocated to these works, any outstanding items raised previously by private residents should be completed alongside these defect works
High level works: After a frustrating December and January period due to the low temperatures, with recently increased temperatures we have been able to complete outstanding mortar works, this has allowed us to remove the scaffolding to several blocks, the numbers of skilled labour on site have increased and rwl have increased site supervision, a clear process of inspections, undertaking the works, signing of works and removing scaffolding is now in place and working well with RWL,HLP and BDC all involved , Scaffolding is being erected and works are taking place to the remaining 7 Blocks.
Planning Enforcement and Unauthorised Works to Properties Verbal update Minutes: The Property Services Manager explained that unauthorised works are taking place, which the enforcement team are aware of and these breaches are currently been looked into. It was agreed that a letter needs to be written and circulated explaining the planning guidelines of work that can and cannot be undertaken to the properties. There is to be a follow up of the unauthorised works report so that a close eye can be kept and registered correctly.
The unauthorised works that had taken place included satellite dishes on the front of buildings, fences and boundary walls being put up, extra sheds in different materials, painted brick work and lights being placed wrongly just to name a few of the scenarios.
Friends of New Bolsover Update Verbal update Minutes: An update was given by the Vice Chair from Friends of New Bolsover explaining that they are currently in the process of rebranding FONB to Bolsover Community. It was explained that a plan would be drawn up to engage more residents from the community in various projects to include baby/toddler groups, youth clubs and community parties when Covid restrictions allow.
The Vice Chair gave an update explaining that FONB are currently collecting left over food from supermarkets and selling 10 items in a bag for £1.00 to the community to raise funds.
Cllr Munro requested that the Vice Chair contacts the Community Youth Project and Community Unity Project as those are good organisations to source helpful advice.
The Vice Chair updated the committee that Martin Green and Sue Sparks-Green had now left FONB. Cllr Munro expressed his gratitude to Martin Green and Sue Sparks-Green for all their support with FONB project and requested a letter of thanks to be sent acknowledging all their hard work and his grateful appreciation.
The Vice Chair gave an update that the new members of FONB would now be the Chair Nicola Goodlad, Vice Chair Sharon Ward and they are currently still looking for a secretary and treasurer.