Agenda and minutes

Safety Committee - Thursday, 2nd November, 2023 10.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber, The Arc, Clowne

Contact: Hannah Douthwaite  Governance and Civic Officer

No. Item


Election of Chair 2023/24


Moved by Chris McKinney and seconded by Councillor Donna Hales

RESOLVED that Councillor Jane Yates be elected as Chair of Safety Committee for the ensuing year.



Councillor Jane Yates in the Chair


Appointment of Vice-Chair for 2023/24


Moved by Councillor Jane Yates and seconded by Liz Robinson

RESOLVED that Chris McKinney (UNISON) be appointed as Vice-Chair of Safety Committee for the ensuing year.


Apologies For Absence


Apologies for absence were received on behalf of Councillor Mark Hinman, Ian Clay (Health and Safety Advisor) and Ailsa Kipling (Corporate Property



Urgent Items of Business

To note any urgent items of business which the Chairman has consented to being considered under the provisions of Section 100(B) 4(b) of the Local Government Act 1972.


There were no urgent items of business to be considered.


Declarations of Interest

Members should declare the existence and nature of any Disclosable Pecuniary Interest and Non Statutory Interest as defined by the Members’ Code of Conduct in respect of:


a)  any business on the agenda

b)  any urgent additional items to be considered

c)  any matters arising out of those items

and if appropriate, withdraw from the meeting at the relevant time.


There were no declarations of interest made.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 214 KB

To consider the minutes of the last meeting held on 20th April 2023.


Moved by Liz Robinson and seconded by Councillor Donna Hales

RESOLVED that the Minutes of a Safety Committee meeting held on 20th April 2023 be approved as a correct record.


Sickness Absence - Quarter 1 (April - June 2023) pdf icon PDF 479 KB


The HR Business Partner presented the Sickness Absence report for Quarter 1 (April – June 2023) and highlighted that for this period the average number of

days lost per employee was 2.26. The 2023/24 forecasted figure for the average number of days lost per employee was 9.04 days. The annual target for the Local Performance Indicator to the end of March 2024 was 8.5 days.


It was noted that for quarter 1 the top three main reasons for absence were:


·       Operations/Hospital

·       Stress/Depression

·       Other Musc. Skeletal


It was noted that staff could access the Go Active Gym facilities at a discounted



A Mental Health training session had been recorded and uploaded onto Eric so

staff could watch the training video at a convenient time and revisit it at a later

date if required.


Moved by Chris McKinney and seconded by Councillor Donna Hales

RESOLVED that the report be noted.


Sickness Absence - Quarter 2 (July - September 2023) pdf icon PDF 479 KB


The HR Business Partner presented the Quarter 2 (July – September 2023)

Sickness Absence update and highlighted that for this period the average

number of days lost per employee was 2.39. The projected outturn figure for the average number of days lost per employee was 9.3 days. The annual target for the Local Performance Indicator to the end of March 2024 was 8.5 days.


The average number of days lost per employee had slightly increased from the

figure for quarter 1 and the number of long term cases had also increased during this period.


During quarter 2 the majority of stress related absences were due to personal

circumstances and not work related.


16 long term sickness cases had now returned to work.


Moved by Councillor Jane Yates and seconded by Councillor Rowan Clarke

RESOLVED that the report be noted.


Health and Safety Update - Quarter 1 (April - June 2023) pdf icon PDF 436 KB


The Health and Safety Manager presented the Quarter 1 (April – June 2023) Health and Safety update.


It was noted that the total number of accidents reported, that involved members of the public had been 51 and none of these accidents had been RIDDOR reportable.


Quarter 1 had 12 employee accidents and again none of these had been RIDDOR reportable. The accidents had occurred in the following service areas:

·       Streetscene – 9

·       Housing – 1

·       Property Services – 2


A total of 35 employees had been trained in quarter 1 with the below course


·       Health & Safety in the Corporate Induction Programme = 4

·       Health & Safety Briefing for Elected Members = 22

·       Asbestos Category B = 3

·       Asbestos Category B Refresher = 6


Training delivery to Dragonfly Developments Ltd. employees included the following courses:

·       Scaffolding awareness (half day) = 17

·       Scaffolding appreciation (full day) = 10

·       Lone working toolbox talk = 46

·       Hot weather working toolbox talk = 46


A total of 119 Dragonfly Developments Ltd. employees had been trained during this quarter.


Four formal inspections had taken place in quarter 1 these included:

·       The Arc

·       Pleasley Vale Mill 1

·       Riverside Depot


Clune Street Pavilion

Moved by Councillor Rowan Clarke and seconded by Councillor Deborah Watson

RESOLVED that the report be noted.



Health and Safety Update - Quarter 2 (July - September 2023) pdf icon PDF 470 KB


The Health and Safety Manager presented the Quarter 2 (July – September

2023) Health and Safety update.


It was noted that the total number of accidents reported that had involved

members of the public had been 55 and none of these accidents had been

RIDDOR reportable.


Quarter 2 had 11 employee accidents that had occurred in the following service


·       Streetscene - 6

·       Housing - 3

·       Customer Services – 1

·       Environmental Health - 1


One of these accidents had been RIDDOR reportable as the employee had

suffered lost time over 7 days.


A total of 26 employees had been trained in quarter 2 with the below course


·       Health & Safety in the Corporate Induction Programme = 13

·       First Aid (full course) = 8

·       First Aid (refresher) = 5


Training delivery to Dragonfly Developments Ltd. employees included the following


·       Abrasive wheels = 40

·       Ladder checks = 55


A total of 95 Dragonfly Developments Ltd. employees were trained during this



Eight formal inspections had taken place in quarter 2 these included:

·       Pleasley Vale Mill 2

·       Shirebrook Contact Centre

·       Pleasley Vale Mill 3

·       The Tangent

·       Castle Leisure Park comprising separate reports for:

o   Cricket Pavilion

o   Bowls Pavilion

o   Football Pavilion

o   Tea Rooms


Councillor Hales queried whether GlucoGel could be added to first aid kits following on from an incident that had occurred earlier in the year. It was noted that the Health and Safety team would investigate this further.


Moved by Chris McKinney and seconded by Councillor Donna Hales

RESOLVED that the report be noted.