Venue: Council Chamber, The Arc, Clowne
Contact: Matthew Kerry Governance and Civic Officer
No. | Item |
Apologies For Absence Minutes: An apology for absence was received on behalf of Councillor Justin Gilbody. |
Urgent Items of Business To note any urgent items of business which the Chairman has consented to being considered under the provisions of Section 100(B) 4(b) of the Local Government Act 1972. Minutes: There was no urgent business to be considered at the meeting. |
Declarations of Interest Members should declare the existence and nature of any Disclosable Pecuniary Interest and Non Statutory Interest as defined by the Members’ Code of Conduct in respect of:
a) any business on the agenda b) any urgent additional items to be considered c) any matters arising out of those items and if appropriate, withdraw from the meeting at the relevant time. Minutes: There were no declarations made at the meeting. |
To consider the minutes of the last meeting held on 5th December 2024. Minutes: Moved by Liz Robinson (UNISON) and seconded by Councillor Jeanne Raspin RESOLVED that the minutes of a meeting of the Safety Committee held on 5th December 2024 be approved as a true and correct record. |
Health & Safety Update - Quarter 3 (October - December 2024) Minutes: The Health and Safety Adviser presented the report to the Committee.
The total number of Council employee accidents in Quarter 3 2024/25 was 8. This compared to 6 accidents during Quarter 3 of 2023/24. Employee accidents occurred in the following service areas: Streetscene (7); and Finance (1).
The types of incidents were: slips/trips/falls on the same level (6); cuts & abrasions (1); and contact with moving machinery (1). 2 of these were RIDDOR reportable as they totalled 47 lost days (each involving lost time of over 7 days).
The number of near misses reported during Quarter 3 2024/25 was 1 (near miss with no injury).
The report provided further details of the dates, locations, etc. of incidents.
The total number of accidents reported by members of the public was 43 (none serious enough to be RIDDOR reportable). Although all incidents occurred across Leisure Services, it was noted in the report that the average quarterly footfall in Go!Active was 85,958 people.
The Health and Safety Adviser informed there was 1 near miss, 1 accident and 1 other incident reported by Dragonfly Development Ltd. (DDL) & Dragonfly Development Management (DDM) during Quarter 3 2024/25.
The 1 near miss was a result of a ladder clamp coming loose and landing onto a van roof. From this, new ladder clamps had been ordered.
For the 1 other incident, the trespass at the Roseland Crematorium, Shirebrook, the Committee were informed all trespasses were logged and investigated.
Graphs were available in the report visually detailing the total accidents / incidents by month, Employee accidents by month, and the Employee accident types recorded.
The Health and Safety Adviser shared that during Quarter 3 2024/25, 21 Council employees received the following training: IOSH Managing Safely (3); First Aid (6); Sharps Awareness (8); and Accident Investigation (4).
6 recharges were made for unattended training places. Reasons included: delegate sent apologies too late for the place to be reallocated (1); delegate removed by Manager to attend other duties (4); and, no message received from delegate regarding absence (1).
During Quarter 3 2024/25, 4 DDL / DDM employees received the following training: IOSH Managing Safely (1); Sharps Awareness (1); and Accident Investigation (2). 1 recharge for nonattendance was made – removed by Manager to attend other duties.
The report detailed inspections carried out at Council locations and DDL sites.
To a question on delegates not attending training due to Managers removing them (to assist in duties), the Health and Safety Adviser confirmed these removals from training courses were investigated – no recharges would be made if these removals could not be avoided.
A Member thanked Officers for the report and asked what inspections were made at DDL sites. The Health and Safety Adviser explained at sites like Woburn & Pendean, Blackwell, and the Roseland Crematorium, Shirebrook, these were construction sites with full inspections of work and documentation taking place.
For the other sites listed, these were DDM (Housing Repairs and Maintenance) in nature. Inspections included void properties and of repair staff and hired private ... view the full minutes text for item SAF20-24/25 |
Sickness Absence - Quarter 3 (October - December 2024) Minutes: The HR Business Partner presented the report to the Committee.
The average number of days lost per employee in Quarter 3 2024/25 was 2.09 days – to date the lowest quarter in terms of average days lost for 2024/25.
The projected outrun for the average number of days lost per employee was 8.93 days for 2024/25 (the target was 8.5 days).
6 Services experienced zero sickness in Quarter 3 2024/25 (a further 5 Services experienced less than 1 day per full-time equivalent (FTE) employee).
Stress/Depression had remained in the top three reasons for absence since Quarter 2 2019/20, with 3 cases of absence due to Stress/Depression during Quarter 3 2024/25 (1 work-related, 1 nonwork-related, and 1 a combination of home and work-related issues).
It was noted that in the previous 3 years of data, Stress/Depression had been regularly first in reason for absence. To date this had not been the case for 2024-25.
There was a direct correlation between employees undertaking physically demanding work and high levels of sickness. This was reinforced by Muscular/Skeletal absences regularly being in the top three reasons for sickness absence for Quarter 3 2024/25.
There were 12 long term cases in Quarter 3 2024/25 – 9 due to physical health ailments and 3 related to Stress/Depression (1 of which was work related).
Appropriate assistance was being provided to facilitate support for those who had returned to work and those planning to do so.
5 employees had returned to work, 5 remained absent, and 2 had left the Council’s employ (1 resigned and 1 was retired on Ill Health grounds).
Health and wellbeing initiatives included: Christmas energy saving tips; Mental Health First Aider Trainers; Safeguarding Adults Webinars; an Are You a Carer? event; Support When You Need It; Vivup Rewards and Benefits; Flu Vaccinations; Menopause Support Group (which followed the establishment of a Menopause Policy); wellbeing and first aid rooms were increasing in number; Mental Health Awareness Sessions; Neurodiversity Awareness Training; and Go!Active subsidised membership (for Quarter 3 2024/25, this was 62 subscribers).
With no questions to the HR Business Partner, the Chair requested a mover and seconder.
Moved by Councillor Tom Munro and seconded by Liz Robinson (UNISON) RESOVED that the report be noted.
Approved by Councillor Clive Moesby Portfolio Holder for Resources
Before the meeting ended, a Member expressed gratitude for the Chamber’s new partition – Members and Officers had shared greater ease at its presence for a meeting of the Council the previous day.
The Chair echoed this sentiment and thanked the Assistant Director of Streetscene, Community Safety and Enforcement for the recommendation. |