Agenda and minutes

Union / Employee Consultation Committee - Thursday, 30th September, 2021 10.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber, The Arc, Clowne

Contact: Tom Scott  Governance Officer

No. Item


Appointment of Vice-Chair for 2021/22


Kevin Shillitto (UNISON) moved and Councillor Andrew Joesbury seconded the nomination of Chris McKinney (UNISON) as Vice-Chair for the municipal year 2021/22.


RESOLVED that Chris McKinney (UNISON) serve as Vice-Chair for the municipal year 2021/22.



Apologies For Absence


There were no apologies for absence.



Urgent Items of Business

To note any urgent items of business which the Chairman has consented to being considered under the provisions of Section 100(B) 4(b) of the Local Government Act 1972.


There was no urgent business to be considered at the meeting.


Declarations of Interest

Members should declare the existence and nature of any Disclosable Pecuniary Interest and Non Statutory Interest as defined by the Members’ Code of Conduct in respect of:


a)  any business on the agenda

b)  any urgent additional items to be considered

c)  any matters arising out of those items

and if appropriate, withdraw from the meeting at the relevant time.


There were no declarations made at the meeting.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 200 KB

To consider the minutes of the last meeting held on 11th February 2021.


Moved by Councillor Tom Kirkham and seconded by Kevin Shillitto (UNISON).


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting on 11th February 2021 be confirmed as a true and correct record.


Sickness Absence Quarter 1 (April – June 2021) pdf icon PDF 450 KB


The HR and Organisational Development Manager presented the Sickness Absence Quarter 1 (April – June 2021) report.


Councillor Andrew Joesbury asked why short term absences in 2020/21 were shown to be half of other years. The HR and Organisational Development Manager explained that because COVID had made people work from home more, there were not as many absences.


The Chair wished to note that she felt Streetscene’s service during the COVID pandemic had been excellent.


Kevin Shillitto (UNISON) asked if there had been any issues about people suffering from anxiety being made to come back into the workplace. The HR and Organisational Development Manager explained that managers had discussed this with officers to ensure they were comfortable.


Kevin Shillitto (UNISON) asked if an Ageing Workforce strategy was going to be put in place.  The HR and Organisational Development Manager explained that Housing and Streetscene officers needed to be liaised with to identify seasonal opportunities for the topic.


Councillor Andrew Joesbury asked if there had been any stress issues because of working from home. The HR and Organisational Development Manager explained that some people had suffered because of having to work at home, and HR had tried to work with them and let them back into the office.


Councillor Andrew Joesbury asked about the more general work being done to combat stress and depression. The HR and Organisational Development Manager explained that mental health awareness training had been given to all officers to help them identify the signs in others.


The Chair asked how many members of staff were currently working from home. The HR and Organisational Development Manager stated she would check the exact number and circulate it to Members.


Councillor Tom Kirkham asked the UNISON representatives how many of their members had been struggling with mental health and finance in the pandemic. Kevin Shillitto (UNISON) explained that unions nationwide had been receiving increased requests for support.


Councillor Ton Kirkham stated he would like to see people signposted towards mental health support. Kevin Shillitto (UNISON) added that if anything was sent out to signpost this, he would ensure it reaches everyone from a union perspective.


Jess Clayton (UNISON) elaborated on the support discussion by explaining that the local agencies had set up a ‘Financial Inclusion Group’ to support people across the District of Bolsover.


RESOLVED that the report be noted.


The meeting concluded at 10:34 hours.