Agenda and draft minutes

Local Growth Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday, 3rd September, 2024 10.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber, The Arc, Clowne

Contact: Matthew Kerry  Governance and Civic Officer

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


An apology for absence was received from Councillor Will Fletcher.


Urgent Items of Business

To note any urgent items of business which the Chairman has consented to being considered under the provisions of Section 100(B) 4(b) of the Local Government Act 1972.



There were no urgent items of business to consider.


Declarations of Interest

Members should declare the existence and nature of any Disclosable Pecuniary Interest and Non Statutory Interest as defined by the Members’ Code of Conduct in respect of:


a) any business on the agenda;

b) any urgent additional items to be considered;

c) any matters arising out of those items;


and if appropriate, withdraw from the meeting at the relevant time.



There were no declarations made.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 246 KB

To consider the minutes of the last meeting held on 25th June 2024.


A Member and the Chair noted in the Minutes (LOC8-24/25) that Members of Executive would be invited to Committee to provide information on the rationale behind the choices of the Regeneration Fund projects, but this was not listed on the Agenda.


The Chief Executive was unaware of this invitation but explained with a verbal update that the UK National Government had been contacted, but the Council would likely receive confirmation of the Fund after the Autumn Budget in October 2024.


The Portfolio Holder for Growth added the Leader of the Council had written to the Mayor of the East Midlands, the Prime Minister, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, and the Deputy Prime Minister and Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government about the Fund and its importance to the District.  No response had yet been received.


The Chair thanked the Chief Executive and Portfolio Holder for Growth for the update to Committee.


A Member stated there remained questions on the rationale behind the choices of the Regeneration Fund projects; it was requested this be on the Agenda for the next Committee meeting.  All Members agreed.


A Member noted in the Minutes (LOC9-24/25) that the Minutes of the previous Shareholder Board Dragonfly Development Ltd. meeting would be shared with Committee; this was also not on the Agenda.


The Monitoring Officer explained that the July 2024 meeting of the Shareholder Board had been informal and involved training from the Council’s external Legal Advisor, but the next meeting would be formal and these Minutes would be shared with Committee.


On a question on the Minutes of a previous Executive meeting, where the Leader of the Council had stated he would resign from the Shareholder Board (this had not occurred), the Chair and Monitoring Officer explained the Leader of the Council had reversed this decision and continued to carry out this role.  The Member stated the public record needed correcting to address this if no longer the case.


Moved by Councillor Jeanne Raspin and seconded by Councillor Duncan Haywood

RESOLVED that the Minutes of a Local Growth Scrutiny Committee held on 25th June 2024 be approved as a true and correct record.


List of Key Decisions pdf icon PDF 300 KB


The Scrutiny Officer presented the List of Key Decisions and Items to be considered by Committee.


Five decisions would be made by the Executive on 9th September 2024, another  three at a following meeting.


The Chair referred Committee to the granting of an easement along Loxley Lane, Whitwell.  The Chair had been concerned on the building programme due to inactivity, but the day previous the Chair had observed the site and work had resumed.  The Portfolio Holder confirmed the granting of an easement had gone through Asset Management Group and was now with the Executive; the outcome would be a success for the Council and developer.


A Member asked if the Shirebrook Market Place: REimagined project was affected by the Regeneration Fund not currently being available.  The Head of Business Growth explained this had been granted from the original phases of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF), and so was unaffected.


RESOLVED that the List of Key Decisions and Items to be considered in the private document be noted.


UK Shared Prosperity Fund - Monitoring Update pdf icon PDF 708 KB


The Head of Business Growth provided the Committee with an update on the projects being delivered by the Economic Development Team with funding from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF).  The intention was for the Committee to review the content provided to ensure appropriate progress was being made to deliver the projects successfully and within the timescale provided.


The UK Government had launched the UKSPF 13th April 2022, and the Council had received an allocation of £1,963,993 from October 2022 – March 2025.  Five projects being delivered by the Economic Development Team were allocated £789,212, covering: Tourism and Culture; Business Growth Grants Scheme; Net Zero Hyper Local Innovation programme; Small Business Support Scheme; and, Visitor Economy Business Support.


The Growth and Start-up Grant Schemes had closed early due to overwhelming success amounting to nearly £230,000 with 16 applications still in appraisal.  Grants ranged from £500 - £10,000, with businesses matching this ensuring significant levels of investment in the District.  There had been 31 start-up applications and further support for them was present through other schemes.


Take-up of the other programmes offered, and an event being delivered were also reported to Committee.  The success of the UKSPF meant the next step required was to identify future funding streams and continue this momentum.


The Chair stated the work completed was very impressive.  Members agreed the Economic Development Team and their success be congratulated.


A Member asked if the list of the projects successfully funded could be shared with Committee.  The Head of Business Growth stated this would have to be researched, as businesses may not have granted permission.


A Member asked if it was possible to internally replace the funding of the Growth and Start-up Grant Schemes to continue take-up.  The Portfolio Holder for Growth could not confirm, but there had been 31 applications.  The Chief Executive and Director of Finance & Section 151 Officer could be consulted on researching this further.


RESOLVED that Members review the content of the progress report and make             recommendations to Executive, where required, on additional action that             may be needed for successful delivery.


Pleasley Vale Regeneration Programme - Update pdf icon PDF 453 KB

Additional documents:


The Head of Business Growth presented the report to Committee to update Members about the current situation and challenges the Pleasley Vale Regeneration Project faced.  An apology for the misplaced Appendix was shared, with handouts provided at Committee.


A significant area of the site laid within a functional flood plain, and storm events and heavy rainfall meant the site was prone to flooding.  This was evident with Strom Babet in October 2023; the River Meden overflowed, causing damage to property and land.  The report listed the extent of the damage and work being undertaken following Storm Babet.


One of the measures taken was the appointment of Beaumont Rivers, an environmental restoration company which specialised in nature recovery and water management techniques.  Beaumont Rivers had identified opportunities to mitigate flood risk on site, including reinstating some original drainage networks.


Another measure was the appointment of Derbyshire Wildlife Trust (DWT) to produce a Nature Recovery / Blue and Green Infrastructure Masterplan.  This would survey and assess the current condition of the site and identify constraints and opportunities for funding and collaboration.


The Head of Business Growth praised the Grounds Maintenance Team for work onsite on the clearance of waste and debris achieved, enabling the survey work to take place.  As a result, a full assessment of the 146 metre dam wall could be achieved (only 20 metres previously visible).


Works would take place from the Mill buildings to the edge of site.  Once a masterplan was completed, a further report would be taken to Council to fund additional survey work and conduct any capital works proposed.  The DWT would also explore opportunities for Biodiversity Net Gain, as this was a potential income stream for the Council.


For the Gardener’s Lodge, progress was slow but Vision West Notts. College were engaged and teaching students the Council’s conservation and retrofitting skills.


A Member had concerns on the sluice gates, which had been open at the time of the flooding in 2023 and had subsequently broken summer 2024.  The local Parish Council sought long-term solutions for flood mitigation and was keen to see and be informed of work progressing.  The Head of Business Growth agreed a meeting with the Parish Council was needed, and the repair and upkeep of the sluice gates was instrumental for viability.  A Residents Group was required; the Head of Business Growth would investigate supporting residents more.


On a question on the lack of wildlife being mentioned in the report, the Head of Business Growth answered that while resources were focussed on flood mitigation and repairs, nature and the environment was part of every development, including surveys.  Details of the DWT were referred to at figure 2.8 of the Report, where the intent was to achieve a success for wildlife at Pleasley Vale.


The Chair asked about the responsibility of the water authorities to mitigate flooding; the River Meden overflowing had played a key factor in 2023.  The Strategic Director of Services noted Pleasley Vale was placed on the boundary  ...  view the full minutes text for item LOC17-24/25


Social Value Policy Review pdf icon PDF 318 KB

Additional documents:


The Monitoring Officer explained on 3rd October 2022, the Executive had approved six recommendations from the Committee.  One recommendation had been the adoption of a Social value Policy (the “Policy”).  Another was that all procurements over £75,000 would be required to demonstrate social value outcomes as part of the tender, evaluation and delivery processes.


The Procurement and Partnership teams had produced the draft Policy which incorporated the recommendations of the Committee.


The Policy provided a framework for ensuring the Council met its obligations under the Social Value Act 2012.  It was also anticipated this would be built upon following the introduction of the Procurement Act 2023 (in force from October 2024; authorities would need to maximize public benefit, with a shift from looking for the “most economically advantage tender” to the “most advantageous tender”.


The Policy would be one that was under constant review, with both Procurement and Partnership playing key roles in its development.


Questions on the figures presented in the supplementary report, and regional variations of the UK were answered by the Leader’s Executive and Partnership Strategy Manager and Monitoring Officer.


On a question of the Policy extending to Dragonfly Development Limited (DDL) and the issue of procurements, the Head of Business Growth explained DDL was developing its own Policy.


RESOLVED that the attached Social Value Policy be considered and for             Committee to provide any comments to the Executive


Dragonfly Development Limited (DDL) Delivery Update pdf icon PDF 481 KB


The Committee considered the Dragonfly Development Limited (DDL) delivery update report.  The report provided an update regarding both live and pipeline projects, and the Head of Business Growth was available to answer questions.


A discussion on the financial arrangements of the Roseland Crematorium was held, with a Member reiterating the importance of Committee to consider the Minutes of the Shareholder Board.


RESOLVED that the report be noted.


Work Programme 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 318 KB

Additional documents:


It was decided that the meeting end and the Work Programme 2024/25 be discussed in the informal session, allowing relevant Officers and Members of the Executive to leave the meeting.


Moved by Councillor Tom Munro and seconded by Councillor Tom Kirkham

RESOLVED that the report be noted and discussed in the informal session.


Review Work