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Employment and Personnel Committee

This page lists the meetings for Employment and Personnel Committee.

Information about Employment and Personnel Committee

The Committee has the following Terms of Reference:


- To develop, adopt, implement and review any policy or strategy concerning human resources and personnel, excluding those as set out in the Budget and Policy Framework in Article 4 of the Constitution and subject to the approval or any budget implications by the Executive and/or Council as appropriate.  This includes, but is not limited to; Equalities Policy, Agile Working Policy, Computer Security Policy, Internet & Email Policy, Harassment and Bullying at Work Policy.

- To have responsibility for the pay, terms and conditions of service and training of employees except for approving the annual Pay Policy Statement which is reserved to Council under the Budget and Policy Framework as set out in Article 4 of the Constitution.

- To consider the Draft Pay Policy Statement before submission to Council.

- To take key policy decisions in relation to equal pay, single status and job evaluation.

- To consider and deal with issues relating to the Council’s establishment structure and employees and recommend to Council in relation to any growth in the establishment resulting in a budgetary increase.

- To review and recommend any changes to the Employment Rules to the Council for adoption.

- To review annually the overall staffing structure of the Council.

- To receive reports and updates from the Union/Employee Consultation Committee

- To receive reports and updates on post-entry training and development for employees including apprenticeships.

- To approve all Councillor attendance at conferences, seminars and training events within the UK mainland for which a fee if payable including any expenditure incurred.

- To receive reports from Corporate Directors on departmental officer travel outside the UK.

- Membership shall be in accordance with the proportionality rules.

- Meetings of the Employment and Personnel Committee require the 3 statutory officers (or in their absence their appointed deputy) present as well as the Head of HR/HR and OD Manager.