Agenda item

Business Growth Strategy - Monitoring Update (Full) 2022/23


The Director presented the update to Members highlighting key points within the report.  Members were reminded that the Strategy had been originally developed during the Covid pandemic.  The core aim of the Strategy had been for the area to ‘build back better’, if as per the national approach, including nature recovery.  The Director noted that the Development team would be looking to complete a refresh of the Strategy following the upcoming election.


Members were advised that the crematorium project was now nearing the construction phase and that a number of additional projects within the action plans were either complete or in-hand.  Furthermore, a Nature Recovery Summit had taken place on 10th February which had received excellent local support.


A Councillor queried what the current situation was with the creation of dragonfly development Ltd and the potential transfer of council staff.  The Director confirmed that consultation was currently taking place with staff identified as affected by the creation of the company.


A Councillor sought clarification on the remit of the dedicated Pleasley Mills officer role.  The Director confirmed that the aim of the dedicated post was to facilitate the regeneration of the site.  The dedicated resource would be in place for a three-year period.  A key focus would be on assessing the constraints of the site and improvements that can be made, in addition to looking at new areas where additional rental income could be secured.  The Councillor noted that they were pleased to see such progress.


Moved by Councillor David Dixon and seconded by Councillor Jim Clifton

RESOLVED that the report and feedback on progress be noted.


(Director of Economic Development, DDL/ Business Growth Manager)


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