Agenda item

Ambition Plan Targets Performance Update - April to June 2023


RESOLVED that the quarterly outturns (April to June 2023) against the Council Ambition 2020-2024 targets be noted.


Executive considered a detailed report in relation to the Quarter 1 outturns (April to June 2023) for the Council’s Ambition targets 2020-2024.


Out of the 31 targets:-


·       20 (65%) were on track

·       2 (6%) had achieved their outturn for 2022/23

·       1 (3%) was under review

·       8 (26%) had achieved their outturns previously.


Broken down by Council Ambition;


Our Customers - Providing excellent and accessible services - 10 targets in total


·       9 targets were on track

·       1 target was under review CUS07 (relet average time in days for standard voids)


Our Environment - protecting the quality of life for residents and businesses, meeting environmental challenges, and enhancing biodiversity - 11 targets in total


·       7 targets were on track

·       4 targets had been achieved previously (ENV 07, ENV 08, ENV 09, ENV 10)


Our Economy - by driving growth, promoting the District and being business and visitor friendly - 10 targets in total


·       4 targets were on track

·       2 had achieved their outturn for 2022/23 (ECO 05 and ECO 06)

·       4 targets achieved previously (ECO 08, ECO 09, ECO 04, ECO 01)


The Portfolio Holder for Resources noted that CUS 07, Reduce average relet times for standard voids (Council properties) to 20 calendar days by March 2021 and maintain thereafter, was under review and would be split into different categories for the new Ambition Plan 2024-2028.


The Portfolio Holder for Housing referred to CUS.06, Prevent homelessness for more than 50% of people who are facing homelessness each year, and noted that 62 out of 108 approaches made to the Council had been prevented from becoming homeless, which equated to a 57% prevention rate, and this was a credit to the Housing service.


The Chief Executive advised the meeting that there was a huge pressure on the housing service especially regarding homelessness in relation to Section 21 Notices being served by private landlords, and a reduction in council properties. For Bolsover District currently, there were approximately 1800 people on the Housing Register. With regard to targets for void properties, the Chief Executive noted that these would be split into the different categories of empty properties so Members could consider each aspect. Members would be updated as soon as possible as to what these categories would be.


With regard toECO.03 - Working with partners to bring forward employment and development opportunities at Coalite and Clowne Garden Village (CGV) strategic sites by 2023, the Portfolio Holder for Growth noted the CGV site would be considered later in the autumn.


With regard toECO.07 - Deliver 150 new homes through the Bolsover Homes

Programme by March 2024, the Portfolio Holder for Growth noted that demolition work was due to start at the Woburn Close scheme very soon.


The Portfolio Holder for Housing noted that ENV.11 - Resolve successfully 60% of cases following the issuing of a Community Protection Warning by 2024, came under the Portfolio for Resources and not Housing.


Moved by Councillor Duncan McGregor and seconded by Councillor John Ritchie

RESOVLED that quarterly outturns against the Council Ambition 2020-2024 targets be noted.


Reason for Recommendations


Out of the 31 Council plan targets, 20 are on track (65%), 2 have achieved their annual outturn (6%), 1 is under review (3%) and 8 achieved previously (26%).


This is an information report to keep Members informed of progress against the Council Ambition targets noting achievements and any areas of concern.


Alternative Options and Reasons for Rejection


Not applicable to this report as providing an overview of performance against agreed targets.



Having previously declared his interest in the following item of business, Councillor Steve Fritchley left the meeting.



Councillor Duncan McGregor in the Chair

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