Agenda item


In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 10, to consider motions on notice from Members.


(A) Motion from Councillor Steve Fritchley – Industrial Communities Alliance


(B) Motion from Councillor Will Fletcher – World AIDS Day


In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 10, Councillors were able to submit Motions on Notice for consideration at meetings of Council.


a) The following motion was submitted for consideration by Councillor Steve Fritchley


Industrial Communities Alliance (ICA)


This Council notes:

1.    The Industrial Communities Alliance (ICA) is an all-party association of local authorities in the industrial areas of England, Scotland and Wales.  Formerly the Coalfields Communities Campaign (CCC), the Council has been a long-standing member.  Members and officers attend regular meetings and receive informative reports and outcomes of research affecting the area.

2.    Prior to Brexit the ICA enabled the links with partners across Europe to be strengthened and allowed access to European Funding Streams for the benefit of the District.  Post Brexit, the ICA continue to lobby Government in much the same way in terms of increased support for Councils as previously, albeit European funding streams are gradually ceasing.

3.    The ICA has produced a paper ‘Local and Regional Development: The Case for Longer-Term Funding’ for consideration by HM Treasury. [Paper is attached].


This Council resolves:

1.    To support the paper ‘Local and Regional Development: The Case for Longer-Term Funding’, produced by the ICA for consideration by HM Treasury.

2.    To send a letter to the Chair of the ICA informing them of the Council’s support.

The Motion was moved by Councillor Steve Fritchley and seconded by Councillor Mary Dooley.

Councillor Fritchley spoke to the Motion.  He said that the ICA had done a lot of work in attaching money for industrial areas.

On being put to the vote the Motion was carried.

RESOLVED that the Council notes:

1.         The Industrial Communities Alliance (ICA) is an all-party association of local authorities in the industrial areas of England, Scotland and Wales.  Formerly the Coalfields Communities Campaign (CCC), the Council has been a long-standing member.  Members and officers attend regular meetings and receive informative reports and outcomes of research affecting the area.

2.         Prior to Brexit the ICA enabled the links with partners across Europe to be strengthened and allowed access to European Funding Streams for the benefit of the District.  Post Brexit, the ICA continue to lobby Government in much the same way in terms of increased support for Councils as previously, albeit European funding streams are gradually ceasing.


3.         The ICA has produced a paper ‘Local and Regional Development: The Case for Longer-Term Funding’ for consideration by HM Treasury. [Paper is attached].


The Council resolved to:


4.         Support the paper ‘Local and Regional Development: The Case for Longer-Term Funding’, produced by the ICA for consideration by HM Treasury.


5.         To send a letter to the Chair of the ICA informing them of the Council’s support.


(Service Director of Executive, Corporate Services and Partnerships)



b) The following motion was submitted for consideration by Councillor Will Fletcher


World AIDS Day


Council notes that:

·         World AIDS Day will be taking place on the 1st December 2023 as in previous years;

·         40.4 million people globally have died from AIDS-related illnesses since the start of the epidemic;

·         39.0 million people globally are living with HIV according to the most recent data, including 48 people who are living with HIV in Bolsover District;

·         HIV is no longer fatal and HIV treatment and medication as prescribed helps people with HIV to have the same life expectancy as those without HIV;

·         Someone living with HIV who is on effective treatment is not able to pass HIV on to another individual (undetectable = untransmittable);

·         The HIV Action Plan for England has four objectives in order to move us towards zero new diagnoses of HIV, including:

·         Scaling up HIV testing in line with national guidelines; and

·         Improving the quality of life for people living with HIV and addressing stigma;

·         Bolsover District’s HIV testing rate of 35.3% is below the England-wide average of 45.8%.

Council believes that:

·         We should remember those who have died as a result of the HIV/AIDs epidemic and those still living with HIV around the world, including those here in Bolsover District;

·         Every person living with HIV deserves to be treated with respect and dignity, and that addressing stigma plays a key role in this aim;

·         Although Bolsover District Council is not directly responsible for sexual health, it can play a role in improving levels of testing by supporting initiatives such as World AIDS Day and National HIV Testing Week in order to raise awareness.

Council resolves to:

·         Offer Red Ribbons for sale in all public offices, leisure centres and contact centres, for the two weeks preceding 1st December, in this year and in subsequent years;

·         Fly the Red Ribbon flag on 1st December and during the week after World AIDS Day in this year and in subsequent years;

·         Use Bolsover TV and intouch to promote World AIDS Day, the availability of Red Ribbons for purchase at council offices and contact centres, and inform residents where they can get more information about HIV testing and prevention.



The Motion was moved by Councillor Will Fletcher and seconded by Councillor Steve Fritchley.

Councillor Fletcher spoken to the Motion and stated that last year had marked the 40th anniversary of the death of Terry Higgins.  Since the early 1980s, 40 million people globally had diedfrom AIDS-related illnesses.  He stated that HIV was no longer fatal and HIV treatment and medication could be prescribed which helped people with HIV to have the same life expectancy as those without HIV.  He added that 54 people were living with HIV in the District, and it was likely that each Councillor represented someone in their ward who was living with HIV.  He hoped Councillors would join him in supporting the Motion to help end HIV infections by 2030.

On being put to the vote the Motion was carried.

RESOLVED that the Council notes that:

1.   World AIDS Day will be taking place on the 1st December 2023 as in previous years;

2.   40.4 million people globally have died from AIDS-related illnesses since the start of the epidemic;

3.   39.0 million people globally are living with HIV according to the most recent data, including 48 people who are living with HIV in Bolsover District;

4.   HIV is no longer fatal and HIV treatment and medication as prescribed helps people with HIV to have the same life expectancy as those without HIV;

5.   Someone living with HIV who is on effective treatment is not able to pass HIV on to another individual (undetectable = untransmittable);

6.   The HIV Action Plan for England has four objectives in order to move us towards zero new diagnoses of HIV, including:

7.   Scaling up HIV testing in line with national guidelines; and

8.   Improving the quality of life for people living with HIV and addressing stigma;

9.   Bolsover District’s HIV testing rate of 35.3% is below the England-wide average of 45.8%.


Council believes that:

10. We should remember those who have died as a result of the HIV/AIDs epidemic and those still living with HIV around the world, including those here in Bolsover District;

11. Every person living with HIV deserves to be treated with respect and dignity, and that addressing stigma plays a key role in this aim;

12. Although Bolsover District Council is not directly responsible for sexual health, it can play a role in improving levels of testing by supporting initiatives such as World AIDS Day and National HIV Testing Week in order to raise awareness.

Council resolves to:

13. Offer Red Ribbons for sale in all public offices, leisure centres and contact centres, for the two weeks preceding 1st December, in this year and in subsequent years;

14. Fly the Red Ribbon flag on 1st December and during the week after World AIDS Day in this year and in subsequent years;

15. Use Bolsover TV and intouch to promote World AIDS Day, the availability of Red Ribbons for purchase at council offices and contact centres, and inform residents where they can get more information about HIV testing and prevention.


(Chief Executive)


Supporting documents: