Agenda item

Quarterly update on Section 106 Agreement Monitoring


Committee considered a detailed report which provided progress in respect of the monitoring of Section 106 Agreements in order to give Members the opportunity to assess the effectiveness of the Council’s monitoring procedures.


Section 106 agreements were a legal agreement between the Council and landowners / developers that were often completed alongside applications for planning permission for major developments. They were needed to deal with the additional pressures on infrastructure which resulted from new developments. They were only required where the effects of the development would otherwise be unacceptable in planning terms, and where they could not be dealt with by conditions of the planning permission.


If the Council failed to spend monies provided through Section 106 Agreements within a set period, often within 5-years of entering into the agreement, there was a risk to the Council that the developer would be entitled to request the money back. As of the Monitoring Group meeting held on 24th October 2023, there were eight sums within their 24-month deadlines and details of these were provided in the report.


Spa Croft, Tibshelf

An extension to the deadline had been agreed by all parties as being 31st March 2026.


Rosewood Lodge Farm

The Parish Council had confirmed that they would be claiming for the cost of a new canopy on their insurance further to the previous one being vandalised shortly after installation.


Further monies from the Rosewood Lodge Farm development for health infrastructure was now within its 6 months spend deadline. Since the last update to Members, the Integrated Care Board had agreed to utilise this allocation along with the allocation from Thornhill Drive, South Normanton, to pay for the internal reconfiguration of the Limes Medical Centre. This redevelopment would allow them to cater for a wider range of medical appointments.


Members raised concern that the redevelopment of The Limes Surgery fell outside of the District as it was located within Alfreton. The Interim Head of Planning Policy advised that it had previously been explored whether the surgery in South Normanton could be expanded, however, this wasn’t possible currently. It may be that moving forward more residents would use the facilities at Alfreton as more appointments became available. It was also suggested that the money would be better spent in Tibshelf to improve the facilities available.


Mansfield Road, Tibshelf

Members had been advised at the last update that the Leisure Special Projects Officer was working with the Parish Council to look at potential alternative projects as the time remaining to spend the money for outdoor sport was approximately 12 months. Three potential projects had been discussed including an extension to the current pavilion, pitch improvements and the instillation of a multi-use games area (MUGA).


The Parish Council had also consulted with their local community to see how else the money could be utilised and as a result, a large number of projects had been suggested, with a skate park being the most popular.


Following consideration from the Section 106 working group, a number of smaller projects were put forward to the Parish Council and these were approved at their meeting held on the 21st November:


·       A zip wire;

·       Small skate park;

·       Improved play area for younger children;

·       Basketball area;

·       Climbing net; and

·       A path extension to access the facilities at the Shetland Road site.


The Leisure Special Projects Officer has met with a potential play equipment supplier and further quotes would be obtained in early 2024 and it was hoped the equipment would be installed in the late spring / early summer.


Oxcroft Lane, Bolsover

As noted at the last meeting, the Outdoor Sport Infrastructure currently had around 15 months left before the money needed to be spent. This money would be allocated to a new skate park at Hornscroft Park. Aa contractor had now been appointed and the planning application submitted. Subject to approval work should be able to start in early 2024.


Station Road, Langwith Junction

This had approximately 14 months left before the spend deadline. the Leisure Special Projects Officer was awaiting an invoice from the Parish Council so that the money could go towards the installation of a new bench.


High Ash Farm, Clowne

There was approximately 15 months before this amount needed to be spent. Since the last meeting a number of sites had been discussed with the Parish Council Clerk. Further to this the money could potentially be spent on replacing the bridge on Linear Park which had fallen into disrepair. Currently, local Members and the Parish Council favoured improving the land in front of Domino’s and Ashgate Hospice Charity Shop.


Station Road, Langwith Junction

There was currently around 13 months left to spend the money allocated towards improving the health infrastructure. The Integrated Care Board had advised that they were in discussions with Langwith Medical Centre to agree a suitable scheme and had agreed that they would be able to spend the monies before the deadline.


Moved by Councillor Tom Munro and seconded by Councillor Duncan McGregor

RESOLVED that the report be noted.



The meeting closed at 12:03 hours.

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