Agenda item

Sky Lanterns and Helium Balloons Charter


Council considered a detailed report, presented by the Portfolio Holder for Environment, in relation to sky lanterns and helium balloons with a Scrutiny Committee recommendation that the Council introduce a charter to ban the release of either of these on any land or property owned by the Council.


Sky lanterns, (also known as Chinese lanterns), and helium balloons, could travel a long way before they fell to the ground.  As well as being a litter nuisance, the risks they presented included fire, danger to animals and livestock causing injury or death, contamination to crops, and false alarms/significant danger to aviation traffic such as planes and helicopters.  In addition, there were concerns that lanterns could be drawn into aircraft engines and could delay take-off and landing, and lanterns drifting across a night sky had been mistaken by the public and coast guards for marine distress signals.


Following referrals from the Customer Standards & Complaints Officer and the Leader of the Council, Scrutiny chose to investigate further to establish what the Council could do to mitigate the impacts at a local level.


It was found that several organisations were running national awareness campaigns and calling for the celebratory use of these items to be banned through national regulatory action.  These included the Peak District National Park, the Countryside Alliance, the Marine Conservation Society, and the RSPCA.  The RSPCA website also provided alternative suggestions to the use of sky lanterns and helium balloons:


Whilst there was limited additional impact the Council could have at a local level due to current national legislation, designating restrictions on use on Council owned land would bring the Council in line with over 50% of English councils.  As a result of the Scrutiny review, Scrutiny Members had agreed five recommendations including that the Council write to the Government lobbying for changeto national legislation, in line with the national campaign.  Scrutiny had also drafted a Charter for adoption by the Council in line with the approach taken by other councils nationally.  All five recommendations were detailed in the appendix attached to the report.

Councillor Jen Wilson spoke from her own experience and noted that when helium balloons lay deflated on the ground in hay fields, they would get bailed into the hay which was used to feed horses.  Councillor David Bennett also noted the significant danger to aviation and the impact on life and limb and that he would like to see an outright ban of sky lanterns and helium balloons.


Moved by Councillor Anne Clarke and seconded by Councillor Ashley Taylor

RESOLVED that the Council adopts and promotes a charter as follows: -


            Bolsover District Council has banned the release of sky lanterns and balloons on any land or property owned by the Council.


            We are committed to encouraging businesses, communities, landowners, and individuals to switch to alternative ways of celebrating and commemorating events.


            Bolsover District Council pledges to: -


·            Promote the restriction of the release of all types of helium-filled balloon and sky lantern on property and land owned by the Council. This includes those that are made from bamboo or claim to be biodegradable.


·            Engage with businesses, communities, landowners, schools, and individuals to encourage them to sign up to this charter.


·            Raise awareness of safer and more environmentally friendly alternatives that people can celebrate with, through promotion and campaigns.



Supporting documents: