Agenda item

Update on Bolsover District Regeneration Fund


RESOLVED that 1) the update on the £15million Regeneration Fund provided within the report be noted,


2) receipt of the Regeneration Fund by the Council (subject to the terms of the Memorandum of Understanding) be approved,


3) responsibility for any amendments to the Memorandum of Understanding be delegated to the Council’s Chief Executive,


4) that the Council is the ‘Accountable Body’ for the Regeneration Fund in accordance with the requirements of the Fund, be noted,


5) that the Council’s wholly owned company, Dragonfly Management (Bolsover) Ltd can deliver the required outcomes of the Regeneration Fund on the Council’s behalf, be approved,


6) that Dragonfly Management (Bolsover) Ltd, acting on the Councils behalf, will procure a range of contractors and suppliers, including Dragonfly Development Ltd to deliver the required outcomes of the Regeneration Fund, be approved,


7) the purchase of the three properties outlined in paragraph 2.3 of the report, following receipt of the Memorandum of Understanding, within the funding limits for each project and subject to appropriate valuations, value for money and conditions of the Regeneration Fund, be approved,


8) that responsibility for the negotiations for the purchase of the three properties outlined in paragraph 2.3 of this report, be delegated to the Council’s Chief Executive.



The detailed report provided an update on the £15million Regeneration Fund allocation and sought Members approval for a range of recommendations regarding project management and delivery including the acquisition of properties within the proposals.


The Leader of the Council advised the meeting that the East Midlands Mayor, Claire Ward, had been clear that district authorities would be the delivery mechanism for EMMCCA.


The Leader advised the meeting that he had recently resigned as a Director of Dragonfly Management (Bolsover) Ltd and Dragonfly Development Ltd. and would soon be making changes to Executive Members’ portfolios.


At this point, as his resignation was very recent, the Leader declared an interest in this item and left the meeting.



Councillor Duncan McGregor in the Chair



The Regeneration Fund was allocated to the Council in the Autumn Statement of 2023. The Government guidance was received on 16th January 2024, requesting an initial outline of projects be submitted by 31st January 2024, and an initial Investment Plan was submitted to DLUHC in accordance with this deadline.


On 27th February 2024, positive feedback was received from DLUHC and this contained additional, more comprehensive guidance. It also requested that further extensive project information be submitted by 29th March 2024, to set out how the Fund would be directed to best meet the strategic priorities for regeneration of the place across the District.


Following extensive correspondence and discussions with the Levelling Up Team at DLUHC, the MP for Bolsover and the Minister for Levelling Up, the Council’s submission was finally approved on 22nd May 2024.


The Council was currently awaiting the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in relation to the administration of the Fund, however, further to enquiries made, the Chief Executive had been advised that this was being looked into by the Funding Team at DLUHC.


In response to Members’ questions, the Chief Executive advised the meeting that the Council would be the Accountable Body for the funding and would remain responsible for meeting all the outcomes and reporting back to Council. The recommendations would enable Dragonfly to deliver the required outcomes on the Council’s behalf via a service level agreement. The Monitoring Officer added that Dragonfly Management already provided services to the Council via a service level agreement and the arrangement would be looked at to ensure it was appropriate to deal with the funding. The Deputy Leader further added that the time factors were crucial and update reports would be presented to Members as the schemes progressed. If some projects were unable to be carried out in time, the Chief Executive advised Members that the Council would discuss this with DLUHC. She added that an internal commissioning group had been set up to monitor the arrangements and there was also Scrutiny and the Shareholder Board to provide performance information to Members.


Moved by Councillor Duncan McGregor and seconded by Councillor Sandra Peake

RESOLVED that: 1) the update on the £15million Regeneration Fund provided within the report be noted,


2)    receipt of the Regeneration Fund by the Council (subject to the terms of the Memorandum of Understanding) be approved,


3)    responsibility for any amendments to the Memorandum of Understanding be delegated to the Council’s Chief Executive,


4)    that the Council is the ‘Accountable Body’ for the Regeneration Fund in accordance with the requirements of the Fund, be noted,


5)    that the Council’s wholly owned company, Dragonfly Management (Bolsover) Ltd. can deliver the required outcomes of the Regeneration Fund on the Council’s behalf, be approved,


6)    that Dragonfly Management (Bolsover) Ltd, acting on the Councils behalf, will procure a range of contractors and suppliers, including Dragonfly Development Ltd. to deliver the required outcomes of the Regeneration Fund, be approved,


7)    the purchase of the three properties outlined in paragraph 2.3 of the report, following receipt of the Memorandum of Understanding, within the funding limits for each project and subject to appropriate valuations, value for money and conditions of the Regeneration Fund, be approved,


8)    that responsibility for the negotiations for the purchase of the three properties outlined in paragraph 2.3 of this report, be delegated to the Council’s Chief Executive.


Reasons for Recommendation

The purpose of the report was to update Members on the delivery of the £15million Regeneration Fund and seek appropriate approvals to deliver the projects within the tight timescales stipulated by DLUHC for the Fund.


Alternative Options and Reasons for Rejection

Members could decide not to proceed with the approvals and property acquisitions outlined within this report, however, this could jeopardise delivery of the projects and ultimately, receipt of the Fund by the Council.

Supporting documents: