Agenda item

Tenant Satisfaction Measures


The Assistant Director Housing Management and Enforcement stated the Council had carried out all planned invitations to complete the survey for 2023/24.  In total 577 responses had been received, which reflected a 23.9% return rate (the original aim was for 30% at the end of the process).  The final deadline for responses was 31st March 2024.  The guidance was clear that based on the Council’s stock size only 536 responses needed to be secured.  The data received showed a positive response.  Responses were being analysed to establish how many had been returned from the different property types so the data could be representative.  All free text had been picked up and all tenants contacted.  The Housing Strategy and Development Officer had agreed to send the Head of Property (Repairs and Maintenance) the free text data from the latest survey responses, in relation to repairs.


Councillor Yates asked how the survey results compared with the last survey.  The Assistant Director of Housing Management and Enforcement explained that the Star Survey had been carried out several years ago but asked different questions; only some questions were similar, but these could be compared and reported to in the next meeting.  Councillor Yates asked if there were any set targets.  The Housing Strategy and Development Officer stated this could be looked at in the future.  Currently the Housing Stock Management Group monitored a set of targets on performance.  Councillor Taylor queried why the Bolsover data was low.  The Assistant Director of Housing Management and Enforcement stated this could be because of the Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) in the area in 2023 and hopefully this could change with the next round of surveys.


The Housing Strategy and Development Officer circulated a further report at the meeting which gave details of stock profile, and the response rate so far which showed a higher return from those in older persons housing.  The Council was now targeting general needs with follow up emails to boost the response from this housing type. 


The surveys were to be carried out each year and would help the Council to identify areas to work on, as well as benchmarking against the sector average.  This information would be reported to the Group and the Challenge and Change Group.  Data collection methods would also be investigated to identify what worked best.


The Assistant Director of Housing Management and Enforcement stated the final survey results would be published on the portal as well as the Council’s website by 30th June 2024.


A discussion was held about how to engage tenants, i.e., outside normal working hours and different meeting places; this would be considered further at Agenda Item No. 9.


AGREED that: (1) the responses are noted and tenants provide feedback on             the approach taken for 2023-24;


            (2) officers complete a review of the methodology used in 2023-24 and             evaluate the response rate and quality of the data;


            (3) officers submit the final results to the Regulator of Social Housing by             deadline of 30th June 2024.