Agenda item

Section 106 Agreement Monitoring - Quarterly Update


The Committee considered a report of the Assistant Director of Planning and Planning Policy presented by the Principal Planning Policy Officer, which provided Members with an update on Section 106 (S106) Agreements and progress made in spending the allocated sums. 


In addition to the information provided in the report the following updates were provided at the meeting by the Principal Planning Policy Officer, the Community Arts Development Officer and Leisure Facilities Planning & Development Manager:


·       Item 8 - Mansfield Road, Tibshelf – provision of outdoor sports infrastructure focused on youth recreation and installation of a multi-use games area (MUGA).  The project was complete with the official opening on Saturday 12 October 2024. Members were advised that there was a residual sum of £2,500 and not £5,112 as stated in the report which was to be used for repair of play equipment at another site in Tibshelf.


·       Item 11 - Station Road, Langwith Junction – it was confirmed that Gleesons had responded positively to the following proposals and that the Langwith Practice were seeking the quotes to convert a meeting room into a clinical room and an administration room to be converted into a clinical support room.  This would increase patient capacity and fulfil the requirements of the S106 agreement and leave approximately £9,000 unspent which could be used as a contribution towards the new health centre at Cresswell which would also increase capacity at the Langwith Practice.


·       Item 4 - Spa Croft, Tibshelf – it was confirmed that seven artists had shown an interest in considering the commission for an artwork based on a stone pillar.  The Artists Contract and Request for Quote have been completed and the quotation open date was 2nd December 2024 with the closing date being 14th January 2025.  The project start date will be week commencing 20th January 2025 and completion date 30th September 2025.


·       Item 16 - Creswell Road, Clowne – the Parish Council was out for public consultation as to whether the community wanted a skatepark with the deadline being 2 January 2025.  It was confirmed that if the skatepark was not to proceed then the alternative scheme for additional play equipment would be progressed.  However, if the decision was to progress with the skatepark a preferred contractor had already been identified.


·       Item 17 – Land at Thornhill Drive, South Normanton – Art – S106 requires that the art should be related to the site and there was no space for this.  This will now focus on a pilot project in that area which will last for one year April 2025 to March 2026 with targeted marketing and information for the residents of this development and the wider South Normanton Area to develop several initiatives such as youth arts and technology sessions, a feasibility study for the connectivity to cultural corridors in the district and an artist in residence for a part of that year.  In response to a question relating to future S106 arts contribution then further checks would be undertaken at the planning stage to ensure the viability and location prior to the S106 being imposed.


·       Item 18 – Land at Thornhill Drive, South Normanton – Open Space – this funding was yet to be committed.  It was confirmed that anticipated that the preferred option would be the BMX track. Now that clarification has been provided as to what the funding could be spent on further discussions will be held with the Parish Council as to their preferred option namely the BMX track or Skate Park.  It was confirmed that the S106 funding would be spent within the deadline and that expectations had to be managed.


·       Item 19 – Land at Thornhill Drive, South Normanton – Outdoor Sport – discussions were still taking place with the Parish Council as to where the remaining S106 funding could be spent.


·       Item 20 – Land at Thornhill Drive, South Normanton – Health – no updates were received from the Integrated Health Board except to confirm that they were aware of the funding and would be discussing this with the practice in due course. It was suggested by Councillor Phil Smith that discussion take place with the practice at Pinxton for this funding.


Moved by Councillor Duncan McGregor and seconded by Councillor Phil Smith RESOLVED that the report and additional information provided at the           meeting be noted.


Councillor Deborah Watson left the meeting at this point.

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