Agenda item

Health & Safety Update - Quarter 2 (July - September 2024)


The Scrutiny Officer briefly explained that the Customer Services Scrutiny Committee and Local Growth Scrutiny Committee were carrying out a Joint review into the security of The Arc following incidents of Anti-Social Behaviour and recent portents that could have risked the safety of Members, Officers and above all members of the public.


Areas of improvement would be identified and education on security practices provided to staff at The Arc.


A Joint meeting of the Scrutiny Committees listed would be taking place in January 2025, with the intention to deliver the review / provide recommendations to the Executive in spring 2025.


If Members of the Committee wished to provide their thoughts, this would be welcomed.  The Committee would also be updated on this review moving forwards.


The Chair invited the Health and Safety Manager to present the report to the Committee.


The Health and Safety Manager explained the total number of employee accidents in Quarter 2 2024/25 was 14 (excluding Dragonfly Developments Ltd); this compared to 11 during Quarter 2 2023/24.  Employee accidents of Quester 2 2024/25 occurred in the following service areas:


·       Streetscene – 12;

·       Property Services – 1; and,

·       Customer Services – 1.


The following types of incidents were involved:


·       Struck by a moving object – 2;

·       Manual handing – 3;

·       Slips/trips/falls – 4;

·       Cuts and abrasions – 1;

·       Violence and aggression – 1;

·       Struct by a fixed object – 1;

·       Burn – 1; and,

·       Other – 1.


An error on the report was highlighted – the number of accidents that were RIDDOR reportable was not 3 but 4.  However, the incident that took place on the 14th August 2024 was still reported within the required 7 days.


The number of near misses reported during Quarter 2 2024/25 was 2 (this included an incident of suspect post).


The report provided details on all incidents of Quarter 2 2024/25.


The total number of days of work lost for Quarter 2 2024/25 was 81.5 days.


The total number of accidents reported by the Public was 41; none were RIDDOR reportable.  For context, while all these incidents occurred across Leisure Services, the average quarterly footfall in Go!Active was 85,958 people.


4 accidents were reported by Dragonfly Development Ltd. during Quarter 2 2024/25.


22 Council employees were trained Quarter 2 2024/25:


·       Asbestos Category B – 3;

·       First Aid Refresher – 2; and,

·       Sharps Awareness – 17.


There were 3 recharges made for unattended training places.


7 formal inspections of the Council had occurred in Quarter 2 2024/25.  These were undertaken by a member of the Health & Safety Team, Facilities Management Team, a building representative, and a Trade Union Representative (when available).  These inspections had occurred at:


·       Pleasley Vale Mill 2 &The Dye House (biannual);

·       Pleasley Vale Mill 3 (biannual);

·       Shirebrook Contact Centre (annual);

·       South Normanton Contact Centre (annual);

·       Pleasley Archives (annual);

·       The Tangent (biannual); and,

·       Castle Leisure Park (annual).


Regular joint informal walk-arounds of The Arc and Riverside Depot continued.


7 formal Dragonfly Development Limited inspections had taken place in Quarter 2 2024/25.  The inspections occurred at:


·       Woburn new build project – 2 visits;

·       Crematorium Site – 3 visits;

·       Woodlands remediation works – 1 visit; and,

·       Jubilee Court – 1 visit.


Moved by Councillor Jane Yates and seconded by Councillor Jeanne Raspin

RESOLVED that: 1) Safety Committee Members note the Health and Safety updates and provide any appropriate advice to Officers on this work stream; and,


2)    Safety Committee Members be assured that good Health and Safety management remains a key performance priority for Bolsover District Council.

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