Agenda item

Review of Effectiveness of Council's Waste Collection and Disposal Education - (Post Scrutiny Monitoring Update)


The Scrutiny Officer presented the report to the Committee.


The Committee had agreed to undertake a Review of Effectiveness of the Council’s Waste Collection and Disposal Education (the ‘Review’) as part of the 2023/24 Work Programme.


This was the first 6 month interim report after submission to the Executive. 


Attached at Appendix 1 was the Executive’s response to the Review.  Attached at Appendix 2 was the Post Scrutiny Monitoring Report.


The Committee had put together 11 recommendations: 2 had been completed; 2 extended to achieve; and 7 were on track.


Key achievements included:


·       Publishing recycling-related content in InTouch magazine (including features on green bins, food waste, and clothing recycling);

·       Successfully airing educational segments on Bolsover TV (covering topics like damaged bins and recycling statistics);

·       Launching a bi-weekly e-newsletter that included regular waste disposal education for residents;

·       Uploading the burgundy bin diagram to the Council's website and introducing an A-Z guide on recyclable items; and,

·       Creating animated recycling adverts for digital screens in market towns (to promote recycling awareness).


The reasons for the non-implementation of recommendations included:


·       The redesign of the bin calendar and recycling guide was still under discussion with the new Assistant Director for Streetscene, Community Safety and Enforcement (leading to a reassessment of the design approach and a delayed timeline);

·       Additional planning and consultations were required for several recommendations;

·       Educational materials were still being finalised (with design and content undergoing review to ensure accessibility and clarity); and,

·       Few schools had responded to offers for recycling education visits (hindering outreach efforts).


A further report would be provided in 6 months.


A Member stated the progress made was really positive.  To a question on the efforts to attend schools, the Assistant Director for Streetscene, Community Safety and Enforcement noted other local authorities were experiencing the same issue with schools’ time availability.


The Deputy Leader shared she was pleased the Assistant Director for Streetscene, Community Safety and Enforcement had been recruited and that while the leaflet designs had certainly improved, she felt they also possibly remained too busy.  The Assistant Director for Streetscene, Community Safety and Enforcement agreed to coordinate with the Scrutiny Officer to see if further improvements to the leaflets could be made.


To a question on the future food waste bins being deployed in 2026, the Assistant Director for Streetscene, Community Safety and Enforcement informed that the food waste collection vehicles would arrive later in 2025 and that this already meant the Council was ahead of many other local authorities.


New documentation would be provided to inform customers of the new legislation – the Council would likely be able to hit the ground running when food waste started being collected.


To a further question on ensuring the correct disposal of food waste, the Assistant Director for Streetscene, Community Safety and Enforcement informed the enforcement of correct food waste disposal was being investigated.  However, enforcement was costly in time and resources – it was better to educate and persuade customers first with documentation that was easy to understand.


To a question on the input of customers in the creation of the new documentation, the Deputy Leader noted legibility and style was important – the Council had multiple customer focus groups and one of these could be utilised to review the documentation.


The Committee briefly discussed the need to persuade customers on why it was important to collect food waste from both environmental and financial perspectives.  It was also important to ensure customers knew the collection of food waste had been mandated by the UK National Government.


Finally, it was also important to use all the Council’s communication channels to inform customers of the new recycling regime (e.g., Bolsover TV, InTouch magazine, etc.).


To a suggestion on quantifying the financial benefits of correct food waste collection, the Scrutiny Officer informed the Council’s Communications team were working on such articles and going further than the Committees recommendations – customers could be as informed as the Council could hope to achieve.


Moved by Councillor Amanda Davis and seconded by Councillor Vicky Wapplington

RESOLVED that: 1) Scrutiny Members note the progress against the review recommendations;


2)    Scrutiny Members acknowledge any exceptions to delivery and clarify the additional action required by the service;


3)    Scrutiny Members make its report and findings public, in accordance with Part 4.5.17(4) of the Council’s Constitution;


4)    Officers continue to implement the recommendations and submit a further report in six months’ time highlighting progress and any exceptions to delivery.


Approved by Councillor Anne Clarke, Portfolio Holder for Environment

Supporting documents: