Agenda item

English Devolution White Paper


The Chief Executive presented a report to Council which provided details of the publication of the Government’s English Devolution White Paper published on 16 December 2024 and the emerging implications for Bolsover District Council and its residents. 


The White Paper set out proposals for devolving decision making and powers from Whitehall to Strategic Authorities (Combined Authorities) and for local government reorganisation in two tier areas.  Derbyshire County Council had already indicated it would be submitting a bid for a whole Derbyshire County Unitary Authority and had requested that the local county elections be deferred from May 2025.  However, there were other potential options which could be considered and the Chief Executive sought delegated authority, in conjunction with the Leader to participate in discussions with authorities across Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire and Derby City Council regarding any local government proposals and to present update reports to Council as appropriate.  This would ensure that Bolsover District Council could participate in the shaping of any local government reorganisation proposals.


Outline proposals had to be submitted to Government by 21st March 2025 with detailed bids in November 2025.  Discussions had already begun locally and the Chief Executive confirmed that Council would be kept updated and provided with key milestones.  There was a short window to prepare the proposals and the amount of work this would involve could not be underestimated.  Shadow arrangements would be implemented approximately one year before the Government’s go live date to ensure a smooth transition.


Councillor Tom Kirkham confirmed that a large proportion of funding for the LEPs traditionally went to the cities such as Nottingham and Derby and that Bolsover District Council may be better placed with other similar sized organisations such as Bassetlaw and Mansfield to have more say and equitable share of funding.


The Chief Executive confirmed it was a very complex issue and that the LEPs had been consumed within the East Midlands Combined County Authority.  Lots of conversations were taking place and the Government had made it clear that it didn’t want any ‘orphan’ authorities and preferred unified bids.


Councillor Catherine Tite commented that Erewash Borough Council had indicated it was potentially looking to join a new Nottinghamshire Unitary which would necessitate redrawing boundaries and stated that the option to redraw boundaries should not be dispelled.


Councillor Will Fletcher asked whether the Borough/District local elections would be deferred.  The Chief Executive confirmed that if the Derbyshire County Council elections were deferred from this year it was possible that elections for a shadow authority would take place in 2026 and Borough/District elections may be deferred in 2027.  The Chief Executive highlighted that there would be many options to consider and that the elections may or may not be deferred.


Councillor Ross Walker left the meeting at 11.30 am.


Councillor Carol Wood sought assurance that there would be representation from the Dragonfly group of companies on these cross county discussions on local government reorganisation.  The Chief Executive confirmed that these meetings were only open to Leaders and Chief Executives which was normal practice.  The Chief Executive had already sought advice from other organisations which had wholly owned companies and they confirmed that these companies were fully transferred into the new organisations.


Councillor Ritchie stated that Bolsover District Council was not unique in having a wholly owned company and would take Dragonfly through reorganisation.


Councillor Deborah Watson expressed her concern that as a Dragonfly Board member she was excluded from some discussions in relation to devolution and moved that the recommendation should be amended to read:


“in consultation with the Leader of the Council and the Chair of Dragonfly, to participate in discussions…..”


The Monitoring Officer confirmed that it was up to Council whether the recommendation to include consultation with the Chair of Dragonfly.  The recent Standards Committee had not approved a blanket dispensation for the Dragonfly board members to participate and that they could apply for dispensation to talk at meetings.


The Chief Executive confirmed that some of these would be closed political meetings limited to specific membership, terms of reference and arrangements.


In response, Councillor Deborah Watson suggested it be reworded and moved the following amendment which was seconded by Councillor Carol Wood:


“in consultation with the Leader of the Council and Dragonfly board members where appropriate subject to the terms of the meetings to participate in discussions with authorities across Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire, Derby City regarding local government reorganisation proposals and present an update report to Council as appropriate.”


Councillor Tom Kirkham stated that this amendment was not needed and that there could be openness and transparency and that the real problem was that the Dragonfly directors were all councillors which inherently brought in a conflict of interests in these types of activities.  These must be balanced out in an honest and open way when it came to devolution.


Councillor Ashley Taylor raised a point of order as to whether Dragonfly Board members should be voting on the amendment or should leave the room.


The Monitoring Officer confirmed that there was a conflict of interest for Dragonfly Board members and that they should not participate in the vote.  It was suggested to possibly defer a decision on this to the next Council meeting or hold an extraordinary meeting.


Further discussion took place as to whether this item should be deferred to the next meeting and for any dispensations to be sought from the Standards Committee.  However, the Chief Executive stressed the urgency for a decision on the delegated authority due to the short timescale for initial submissions to be made to Government by March.


The Chair asked Councillor Deborah Watson, that if in view of the previous comments if she would like to withdraw the amendment.  Councillor Deborah Watson withdrew the amendment but sought to remind members that although they were Dragonfly board members they were also democratically elected members of council representing the people of their districts. 


The Monitoring Officer suggested that the Dragonfly board members request a dispensation from the Standards Committee to participate in these discussions.


Councillor Carol Wood confirmed that she supported the withdrawal of the amendment but would not be supporting the original motion.


Councillor Jane Yates moved and Councillor John Ritchie seconded the motion RESOLVED that (1) the report be noted; and

          (2) delegated authority be given to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, to participate in discussions with authorities across Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire and Derby City Council, regarding any local government reorganisation proposals and present an update report to Council as appropriate.

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