The Portfolio Holder for Housing presented a report which sought Council approval to update the schemes in the Bolsover Homes pipeline funding envelope of £36.2m to include the Alder Close, Shirebrook scheme. It was confirmed that if the scheme was not within the Bolsover pipeline, then the Homes England and Brownfield Housing Funding which had been applied for as detailed in Appendix 1 were unlikely to be granted due to the timeline conditions to complete the development by March 2026 not being achievable.
The Alder Close scheme would provide the first 9 or 200 homes to meet the Council’s priority to deliver 200 new homes through the Bolsover Homes Programme using Dragonfly Development Limited by March 2028. The land was considered by the Design Team to be an optimal site for development next.
Subject to funding being obtained there was sufficient in the Bolsover Homes budget to develop the scheme without potentially affecting the sustainability of the HRA as the scheme would break even at year 50. The planning application had already been approved and the scheme was ready to start subject to approval today.
Councillor Ross Walker sought clarification on whether the cost to build 9 houses was correct at just over £2m?
The Strategic Director of Services confirmed it was the total build cost which would be offset by external funding from EMCCA and Homes England.
Councillor Ross Walker said that if external funding was received the cost would still be £1.365m and whether it included purchase of the land?
It was confirmed that it was just the building cost as the land was already owned by Bolsover District Council.
Councillor Ross Walker stated that this would be £230k per building without having to pay for the land. He asked whether the Council could purchase local houses thus helping to improve the housing market in Shirebrook, sell the land and make some money instead of spending £230k per property? He also asked about the value of the land?
The Strategic Director of Services was unable to confirm the value of the land and confirmed that due diligence had been undertaken and the value for money for build costs had met the viability tests which informed the approach for building high quality properties throughout the district. These nine properties being the first of the 200 corporate priority.
Councillor Ross Walker expressed surprise as there were new houses in Shirebrook up for sale that cost less.
The Portfolio Holder for Housing stated that the houses were of high quality, fully adaptable and good value for money for the council as well as being energy efficient and adaptable for those with disabilities. The material costs for building had increased but it was believed these properties would deliver good value for money.
Councillor Tom Kirkham suggested that as housing was a priority for the Council, more homes should be built and perhaps this could be extended into buying properties as well?
The Portfolio Holder for Housing confirmed there may be scope to do that.
Moved by Councillor Sandra Peake and seconded by Councillor John Ritchie RESOLVED that approval be given to include the Alder Close, Shirebrook development within the previously approved £36.2m funding envelope for Bolsover Homes.
(Councillors Anne Clarke, Emma Stevenson, Janet Tait, Deborah Watson and Carol Wood returned for the next item)
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