Agenda item

Questions from the Public

In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 8, to allow members of the public to ask questions about the Council’s activities.  The following submissions were received:


a)    Question submitted by Mr R Dell to the Portfolio Holder for Growth


b)    Question submitted by Mrs D Dell to the Portfolio Holder for Growth


In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 8, members of the public were able to put questions about the Council’s activities. The following questions were submitted by Mr and Mrs Dell and in their absence Mr Webb ‘put’ the questions to Councillor Tom Munro, the Portfolio Holder for Growth.


(a)      Question submitted by Mr Dell to Councillor Tom Munro, Portfolio Holder for Growth


          “Recently Council publicity advised the public that finally the Council had secured £15 million. Would you please advise on what date the Memorandum of Understanding was signed and by whom?”


          Councillor Tom Munro responded to the question as follows:


          “Thank you for your question. The Memorandum of Understanding was signed by the Section 151 Officer on the 25th of February 2025.”


          In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 8.8 Mr Webb put the following supplementary question on behalf of Mr Dell:


          “Everyone welcomes the collective efforts of Council officers and the previous and current MP and the many Councillors who secured the £15m. Mindful of the fragile balance sheets reflected in the soon to be published 31st March 2024 accounts for both Dragonfly companies, Dragonfly’s request at May’s upcoming full Council for additional funds for the crematorium and presumably their funding request or approval to complete the purchase of the £4 million listed Arromax land in Langwith the capital intensive nature of building development is evident, timescales slip and clearly so do budgets. Where Creswell have 50 years of multi-generational debt due to the rising cost of cement; to quote Councillor McGregor, officers will have been aware of the cost of cement 10 days ago when the MOU was signed. Therefore, construction materials, inflation, employers NI costs etc on the agreed projects are all known, and I am sure are factored into Dragonfly’s costings for each project. Can the Council therefore confirm that no parish or town council or in the case of Pinxton, Church Diocese will be required to secure funding to bridge any budget changes or slippage in any of the projects that the £15 million has been secured for?


          Councillor Tom Munro responded to the question as follows:


“Thank you on behalf of myself to Mr Dell’s supplementary question a written response to the question will be forthcoming, if you can ensure we have a written copy of the question handed to one of our senior officers. Thank you very much indeed.”


(b)            Question submitted by Mrs Dell and put by Mr Webb to Councillor Tom Munro, Portfolio Holder for Growth


“Can the Council please list all economic development and/or regeneration projects that are planned for Clowne and/or Barlborough?”


          Councillor Tom Munro responded to the question as follows:


“Thank you very much for your question, I have a great long list I will read them out as it is important that all members of the public hear it.  Mrs Dell will receive a written copy of this list. So bear with me it is quite a long list. The list includes projects which specifically include Clowne or Barlborough or have a positive impact as part of the wider district is as follows:


·       Business Growth Grants

·       Business Start-up Grants Programme

·       Net Zero Innovation Programme

·       Pre-start and Business Start Up support programme

·       Women in Business Network

·       Creative Women’s Network

·       Business in Bolsover Business Networking Events

·       Bolsover Place Programme and Campaigns

·       Capital Investment in the Bolsover Loop, wayfinding and infrastructure

·       Letting of Commercial Property within the area to growing businesses

·       Supporting the Town Council for proposals

·       The Anchor former public house

·       Appraisal of land opportunities for BNG offsetting, that is bio net gain

·       Bolsover Place Investment Prospectus

·       Key Sites Prospectus

·       To attend key inward investment events and raise awareness of opportunities

·       Transformation AI digital opportunities district wide for both residents and businesses

·       Place infrastructure and narrative embedding the new narrative and visual identify across the area including the full Bolsover Loop and Sculpture Trail

·        EMIZ Sprint project to improve connectivity through sustainable travel along the Hartington Staveley investment corridor

·       Digital Connect Strategy

·       Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Project working with primary age school children and potentially parents and carers to deliver STEM themed projects

·       Belong Campaign

·       Homeowners Welcome Pack

·       Young Ambassadors Programme

·       Business Champion Network and Events

·       The Bolsover Place Programme

·       Business Roadshow at Barlborough Links hosted by Mortgage First. These provide advice to businesses locally and help to unlock funding across Barlborough Links and Clowne

·       Visitor economy campaign highlighting Bolsover’s hidden gems and best kept secrets.”


In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 8.8 Mr Webb put the following supplementary question:


          “When will you be able to provide a list of economic development or regeneration projects that are planned as per the question?”


          Councillor Tom Munro responded to the question as follows:


“Thank you for the supplementary question I am going to invite the Head of Business Growth to address that question.”


          The Business Development Manager provided the following information:


          “The list that you have been provided in response to the question is the list that includes planned projects that are proposed that directly impact on Clowne and Barlborough as asked by Mrs Dell. Thank you.”

Supporting documents: