Council considered a report in relation to the nominations for Members to serve on committees and advisory groups for the 2024/25 Municipal Year. The report was presented by the Monitoring Officer who advised Members that the recent changes to the Executive necessitated changes to the membership on some of the committees as detailed in Appendix 1 of the report.
In response to a question the Monitoring Officer confirmed that discussion had taken place about the membership and attendance of Councillor Tom Kirkham at the Local Growth Scrutiny Committee. As he was now Junior Cabinet Member for Growth he would be replaced on the committee at Annual Council.
Moved by Councillor Duncan Haywood and seconded by Councillor Tom Munro RESOLVED that the changes and appointments to Committees and Advisory
Groups as set out below be agreed.
Finance & Corporate Overview Scrutiny Committee (8)
Councillors David Bennett, Rowan Clarke, Steve Fritchley, Justin Gilbody,
Chris Kane, Lucy King, Duncan McGregor and Janet Tait
Local Growth Scrutiny Committees (7)
Councillors Will Fletcher, Duncan Haywood, Tom Kirkham, Jeanne Raspin, Sally Renshaw, Ross Walker and Jen Wilson
Customer Services Scrutiny Committee (8)
Councillors Anne Clarke, Amanda Davis, Louise Fox, Sandra Peake,
Lisa Powell, Rita Turner, Vicky Wapplington and Deborah Watson
Climate Change and Communities Scrutiny Committee (7)
Councillors Mark Hinman, Cathy Jeffery, Emma Stevenson, Ashley Taylor, Catherine Tite, Carol Wood and one vacancy.
Employee Appeals Committee (3)
Councillors Steve Fritchley, Duncan McGregor and Rita Turner
Deputies: Councillors (1) Jane Yates, (2) Rowan Clarke and (3) Janet Tait
Employment and Personnel Committee (5)
Councillors Mary Dooley, Duncan McGregor, Tom Munro, Sandra Peake and Deborah Watson
General Licensing Committee (10)
Councillors David Bennett, Anne Clarke, Amanda Davis, Mary Dooley, Will Fletcher, Lisa Powell, Jeanne Raspin, Emma Stevenson, Ashley Taylor and Rita Turner
Licensing and Gambling Acts Committee (10)
Councillors David Bennett, Anne Clarke, Amanda Davis, Mary Dooley, Will Fletcher, Lisa Powell, Jeanne Raspin, Emma Stevenson, Ashley Taylor and Rita Turner
Planning Committee (10)
Councillors Rob Hiney-Saunders, Chris Kane, Duncan McGregor, Tom Munro, John Ritchie, Phil Smith, Janet Tait, Deborah Watson, Jen Wilson and Carol Wood
Safety Committee (5)
Councillors Amanda Davis, Justin Gilbody, Tom Munro, Jeanne Raspin and Jane Yates
Audit Committee (6 plus 2 co-opted Members)
Councillors Cathy Jeffery, Chris Kane, Tom Munro, Lisa Powell,
Catherine Tite and Carol Wood
Standards Committee (6 plus 1 co-opted Member)
Councillors Anne Clarke, Louise Fox, Justin Gilbody, Duncan Haywood,
Tom Kirkham and Jane Yates
Union/Employee Consultation Committee (6)
Councillors Rowan Clarke, Mary Dooley, Duncan Haywood, Sandra Peake, Ross Walker and Victoria Wapplington
Joint Committees
ICT Shared Services Committee (3)
Councillors David Bennett, Steve Fritchley and Clive Moesby
Shared Services Scrutiny Committee (3)
Councillor Will Fletcher and two vacancies
Advisory Groups
Pleasley Park and Vale Conservation Area Joint Advisory Group (5)
Councillors Chris Kane, Tom Munro, John Ritchie, Janet Tait and
Catherine Tite
Local Plan Implementation Advisory Group (10)
Councillors Rob Hiney-Saunders, Chris Kane, Duncan McGregor, Tom Munro, John Ritchie, Phil Smith, Janet Tait, Deborah Watson, Jen Wilson and
Carol Wood
Member Development Group (7)
Councillors Rowan Clarke, Mary Dooley, Louise Fox, Justin Gilbody,
Cathy Jeffery, Sandra Peake and Jen Wilson
Tenant Participation Review and Development Group (5)
Councillors Sandra Peake, Janet Tait, Ashley Taylor, Rita Turner and
Jane Yates
Supporting documents: