Council considered a presentation by the Chief Executive which provided updates on the discussions relating to Local Government Reorganisation by the Borough, District and Derby City Councils. It was confirmed that a report including detailed information would be provided at the Extraordinary Council meeting scheduled for 19th March 2025.
Key information provided by the Chief Executive included:
· Derbyshire had not been selected as one of the priority areas.
· Government was looking for local authorities to work collaboratively and had set out its criteria as detailed in the letter dated 5th February 2025.
· The submission date for initial proposals was 21st March 2025 with final proposals by 28th November 2025.
· Options were being developed with the support of KPMG and would be presented to the Extraordinary Council meeting on 19th March 2025.
· Interim plans would not be binding and may be subject to any political changes following local elections.
· The District and Borough Councils were working together with Derby City Council to develop interim proposals. Derbyshire County Council had been invited to participate but not attended and had submitted their own proposals to Government.
· A joint communications plan was being developed to ensure there was a joined up message and clarity for all partner councils moving forward.
· There was a desire by the Borough, District and Derby City Councils to keep the existing boundaries of the county intact. There was no appetite for cross boundary arrangements which could create issues for other public services such as the NHS and Police etc.
· The new councils had to be financially sustainable with a good council tax base, right level of population, sensible geography and to support the house building agenda of the Government.
· All submissions had to be financially and geographically sustainable with good evidence base and clear outcomes identified including efficiency savings and value for money whilst also meeting local need.
· Unitary structures had to support devolution and their local strategic authorities.
· The Derbyshire County Council proposal was for one unitary authority combining the existing Boroughs and Districts with a population of approximately 811,000. Derby City Council would remain as it currently exists. This would create a ‘doughnut’ council which would mean Derby City Council would have a population of approximately 266,000 which would be significantly below the government’s benchmark of 500,000.
· The Boroughs, Districts and Derby City Councils were collaborating to develop two unitary authorities around that 500,000 benchmark with KPMG developing options.
· The timeline was for the interim proposal submission in March and full business case in November 2025. It was anticipated that a Government response should be received by May 2026. It will be a Ministerial decision as to the creation of the new unitary councils.
· A shadow organisation could be created by 2027 with vesting date for the new authority potentially being April 2028.
The Chief Executive confirmed that the East Midlands Mayor was being informed of proposals and that the Mayor would be fully engaging with leaders across the county to ensure any proposals fit with the EMCCA.