Agenda item

19/00113/REM - Residential development of 101 dwellings and associated work (approval of reserved matters following outline planning permission 14/00518/OUT) - Land to the North West of Broad Lane, Hodthorpe


Further details relating to the application were included in the Supplementary Report which included an amended recommendation which included a full set of proposed conditions.


The Planning Manager (Development Control) presented the report which gave details of the application and highlighted the location and features of the site and key issues.


Roy Butterfield attended the meeting and spoke against the application.


This application was submitted solely for approval of reserved matters which included scale, layout, appearance and landscaping.


Committee considered the application having regard to the Bolsover District Local Plan, the emerging Local Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework.


Members discussed concerns relating to the potential overlooking of plots 30 and 31 and the potential impact on the amenity of neighbouring properties to this part of the development. Plots 31 and 32 were proposed to be 2.5 storeys.


It was proposed that any approval of the application be contingent upon these plots being replaced with 2 storey equivalent dwellings.







Moved by Councillor Duncan McGregor and seconded by Councillor Jim Clifton

RESOLVED that application 19/00113/REM be approved subject to:



A.        the prior approval and completion of the Deed of Variation subject of the parallel application 19/00549/OTHER;


B.        Plots 30 and 31 being replaced with an appropriate two-storey equivalents; and

C.        the following conditions:


1.         Except where specifically stated or otherwise approved through the discharge of the conditions below, the development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved drawings and documents:-


Site Layout Plan 00979-D02-R

Boundary Treatment 00979 D03 REV B

Materials Schedule 00979 D04 REV C

Street Scenes  00979 D22 REV C

Street Scenes  00979 D23 REV B

Landscape Masterplan C-1656-01 REV E  

Landscape Proposals 1 C-1656-02 REV E

Landscape Proposals 2 C-1656-03 REV E

Landscape Proposals 3 C-1656-04 REV D

Landscape Proposals 4 C-1656-05 REV E

Drainage and Levels Strategy 0163 1 REV E

Pond Sections 0163 – 9A

Environmental Noise Survey 28 Aug 2019

Supplementary Transport Assessment 22 Aug 2019

Design and Access Statement Rev B

House Types:-

House type Caddington 00979 D12 REV B

House type Lumley 00979 D21 REV 0

Halstead 00979 D10 REV C

Warwick 00979 D13 REV B

Windsor 00979 D14 REV B

Bamburgh 00979 D15 REV C

Rothway 00979 D16 REV B

Hardwick 00979 D17 REV A

Eaton 00979 D18 REV B

Staveley 00979 D19 REV A

Wentworth 00979 D20 REV A


R. To define the form of the development approved and for the avoidance of any doubt.


2.         Further to condition 3 of the outline planning permission requiring the provision of a pedestrian/cycle link from the western end of the site to the existing settlement, the 3m wide footpath/cycle link shown on the approved site layout plan (00979 D02 Rev R) to St Martin’s Walk shall be surfaced to an adoptable standard up to and linked with the carriageway on St Martins Walk beyond the southern boundary of the site and provided with dropped kerbs, all prior to the commencement of any other development on site. Details of the future maintenance responsibilities (and contact details) for the footpath/cycle link shall have been submitted to the Local Planning Authority for consideration and approval and the approved details shall be implemented before any of the dwellings are occupied.


R. The sustainability of the site and the connectivity with the existing settlement of Hodthorpe would be unacceptably poor without a pedestrian/cycle link to the west side of the site such that planning permission ought not to be granted for the development without the link. The condition is imposed in accordance with policies GEN 1(2), TRA1 (2 and 3) and TRA15 of the Bolsover District Local Plan.



3.         Existing hedgerows and trees on site shall be retained in accordance with the approved drawings (site layout plan 00979 D02 Rev R, and detailed landscape proposal sheets 1-4: C-1656-02 REV E, C-1656-03 REV E, C-1656-04 REV D and C-1656-05 REV E and shall be protected from damage by the provision of protective fencing which shall be in place before any heavy machinery is brought onto site to implement this permission.  The fencing shall be retained until the development is completed. Nothing can be stored or placed within the fenced area and the ground levels within the fenced area must not be altered nor any excavation take place, without the written consent of the Local Planning Authority.


In the event that a tree or section of hedgerow which should have been retained is removed without the permission of the local planning authority, it shall be replaced with specimens of similar maturity within the next planting season in accordance with planting details which have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.


R. To ensure that all retained trees and hedges are adequately protected during the course of development; in compliance with Saved Policy ENV8 of the Bolsover District Local Plan.



4.         Other than development to comply with condition 2 above, before any other development is commenced a construction management plan shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The plan shall include, amongst other things, details of how noise, dust and vibration will be managed and mitigated throughout the course of the development including: hours of the day such noise making activity can be undertaken; provision of temporary board fencing to suppress noise during the excavation of at least the southern SuDS basin closest to adjacent dwellings; provision of wheel wash facilities where necessary; site compound location and soil storage areas (which should be within the proposed open space area to the northern side of the site) and any screening and pedestrian and cyclist protection. The approved construction management plan shall be implemented throughout the course of the development unless a variation to it has been approved in writing by the local planning authority.


R. To protect the amenity and safety of the area, noting that excavation through bedrock may be required and to accord with policy GEN1 and GEN2 of the Bolsover District Local Plan.



5.         Prior to the erection of the approved hit and miss fencing adjacent to the southern and western site boundaries, the reinforcement planting to gap up the existing hedgerow shall have been undertaken in accordance with the approved site layout plan 00979 D02 Rev R, and detailed landscape proposal sheets 1-4: C-1656-02 REV E, C-1656-03 REV E, C-1656-04 REV D and C-1656-05 REV E. Thereafter the hedgerow shall be retained.


R. To preserve and enhance the biodiversity value of the site in accordance with policies GEN1 and GEN2 and ENV5 of the Bolsover District Local Plan.



6.         Notwithstanding the submitted materials schedule the construction of the dwellings above ground level shall not commence until such time that representative samples of the materials to be used in all external walls and roof areas have first been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


R. To ensure a satisfactory appearance of the completed development; in compliance with Saved Policy GEN2 of the Bolsover District Local Plan.



7.         Prior to the erection of the feature dry stone walls fronting properties at the entrance to the site, a representative sample section/panel of stone wall using natural magnesian limestone shall have been erected on site (or another site) for inspection and approval by the local planning authority. The stone walls shall then be provided on site in accordance with Drawing No 00979, D03 Rev B and in the manner approved for the sample panel.


R. To ensure a satisfactory appearance and to enhance the character and local distinctiveness of the completed development; in compliance with Saved Policy GEN2 of the Bolsover District Local Plan.



8.         All boundary treatments shall be provided in accordance with Proposed Boundary Treatments Drawing No 00979, D03 Rev B and be fully implemented prior to occupation of the dwellings related to that part of the site.  The boundary treatments shall then be retained and maintained as agreed for the life of the development.


R. To ensure a satisfactory appearance of the completed development; in compliance with Saved Policy GEN2 of the Bolsover District Local Plan.



9.         Prior to the occupation of any dwelling its landscape planting shall be undertaken in accordance with the approved detailed landscape proposal sheets 1-4: C-1656-02 REV E, C-1656-03 REV E, C-1656-04 REV D and C-1656-05 REV E. The public open space, semi-natural open space, play space and SuDS areas all to the northern side of the site shall have been landscaped in accordance with the approved drawings in a planting season no later than 12 months following completion of the dwellings.


R.  To ensure that the site is appropriately landscaped in accordance with the approved plans, in the interests of amenity and biodiversity and to accord with policies GEN1, GEN2 and ENV5 of the Bolsover District Local Plan.



10.       The public open space, semi-natural open space, play space and SuDS areas all to the northern side of the site shall be retained for their intended uses only. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended) Part 2 of Schedule 2, Article 3, no fences gates or walls (other than those approved with this planning permission) shall be erected on this area unless permission has been obtained from the Local Planning Authority.


R. To preserve the amenity and integrity of public open space identified on the approved plans in compliance with policies GEN1, GEN2, GEN5 and HOU5 of the Bolsover District Local Plan.



11.       Prior to the occupation of any of the dwellings a scheme of works to provide bat and bird boxes and also to provide hedgehog gaps within fencing shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The approved scheme shall be implemented.


R.  To preserve and enhance the biodiversity value of the site in accordance with policies GEN1 and GEN2 and ENV5 of the Bolsover District Local Plan.



12.       The carriageways and footways of the proposed estate roads shall be constructed between each dwelling and the existing highway in accordance with the approved layout plan 00979 D02 Rev R, up to and including at least road base level, prior to the occupation of any dwelling intended to take access from that road. Until final surfacing is completed, the footway base course shall be provided in a manner to avoid any upstands to gullies, covers, kerbs or other such obstructions within or abutting the footway. The carriageways, footways and footpaths shall be completed with final surface course no later than 12 months following completion of the dwellings, unless a later time period has been agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


R. In the interests of highway safety and in compliance with policies GEN1, GEN2 and TRA1 of the Bolsover District Local Plan.



13.       No dwelling shall be occupied until a vehicular access has been provided to that plot in accordance with the approved layout plan 00979 D02 Rev R with 2.4m x 25m visibility splays at a height of 1m relative to the nearside road level. Thereafter the access and visibility splays shall be maintained.


R.        In the interests of highway safety and in compliance with policies GEN1 and GEN2 of the Bolsover District Local Plan.



14.       Any gates adjacent to the new estate street or the public highway shall open inwards only.


R. In the interests of highway safety and in compliance with policies GEN1 and GEN2 of the Bolsover District Local Plan.



15.       The first 5m from the highway of the proposed access driveways shall not be surfaced with a loose material (i.e. unbound chippings or gravel etc).


To prevent loose chippings reaching the footways and carriageway in the interests of pedestrian and vehicle safety and amenity and to accord with policies GEN1 and GEN 2 of the Bolsover District Local Plan.



16.       Before the 10th dwelling on site has been occupied a scheme detailing the play space equipment to be provided on site shall have been submitted to the local planning authority for consideration and approval. The approved scheme shall be implemented before the 70th market dwelling on site has been occupied.


R. To ensure that adequate provision is made for children’s play on site in accordance with policy HOU5 of the Bolsover District Local Plan.


Informative Notes including:


1.         The Applicant is reminded of the need to comply with the conditions of the outline planning permission (14/00518/OUT) in addition to the conditions of this approval of reserved matters. The current status of the outline conditions is set out below:-


Condition 1 (Approval of reserved matters): Discharged


Condition 2 (Time period for commencement): Not discharged. Development must commence within two years of this reserved matters approval.


Condition 3 (Provision of footpath and cycle link to St Martin’s Walk): Not discharged. A Grampian condition which must be discharged prior to commencement of any development. Details of the layout of the link within the application site have been provided with this application for approval of reserved matters (this aspect is approved) but not details of how the link will integrate with St Martin’s Walk beyond the application site boundary. Neither has construction detail or maintenance detail been provided for approval. Once approved the detail must be implemented prior to commencement of development. Condition 2 of this reserved matters approval also imposes some additional requirements.


Condition 4 (Compliance with indicative layout plan): Discharged.


Condition 5 (Revised Design and Access Statement): Discharged.


Condition 6 (Ground investigation and remediation): Not discharged.


Condition 7 (foul and surface water drainage details): The drainage details submitted with application for approval of reserved matters are approved and condition 7 is discharged in part only. Details are outstanding for the maintenance responsibilities and contact details for maintenance for the Sustainable Drainage System including the attenuation basins. The development must not be occupied until the outstanding detail has been provided and the approved detail implemented.


Condition 8 (assessment of adequacy of railway crossing): Not discharged.


Condition 9 (railway noise report): The noise report submitted (by 12/02/19) is approved for the purposes of complying with condition 9 of the outline planning permission. The mitigation measures recommended in the report in terms of enhanced glazing and ventilation for affected properties must now be undertaken as the development progresses to comply with and discharge condition 9.


Condition 10 (Ecological Mitigation and Enhancement Scheme): Is discharged in part, superseded by the approved landscape drawings the implementation of which is a conditional requirement of this reserved matters permission.


Condition 11 (Landscape Management Plan): Condition 11 is not approved. A landscape management plan which covers the longer term maintenance of the Public Open Space and SuDS areas is required.


Condition 12 (Play area details): Not yet approved or discharged.


Condition 13 (ground level detail): Discharged.


Condition 14 (temporary access): Not yet discharged.


Condition 15 (provision of access junction): Not yet discharged.


Condition 16 (access gradient): Compliance condition.


Condition 17 (parking space): Compliance condition.


Condition 18 (travel plan): Compliance condition.


 (Planning Manager (Development Control))



Supporting documents: