Agenda item

Proposals to include the former Bolsover Hospital site on Part 2 of the Brownfield Register


Committee considered the report of the Planning Manager (Development Control) which explained the process of granting permission in principle for residential development on previously developed land through the Brownfield Land Register and sought approval for granting permission in principle for residential development on the former Bolsover Hospital site located off Welbeck Road in Bolsover.


The report explained the reasons that the former Bolsover Hospital site should be entered on to Part 1 of the Brownfield Land Register. It was considered that as ‘a matter of principle’; the site was available and suitable for housing and residential development of at least 5 dwellings could have been achieved on this site.


Committee were advised of the Council’s power to grant permission in principle for residential development on sites listed in Part 1 of the Register, which the Council wished to allocate for housing. Part 2 of a Brownfield Land Register would comprise of sites listed in Part 1 of the Register that have subsequently been granted ‘permission in principle’ for residential development.


Once a site had been entered on to Part 2 of a Brownfield Land Register it would have also been granted ‘permission in principle’ by the Council. A developer would then need to apply for a technical details consent before starting any development on site. This was similar to the two stage process for an outline permission followed by a reserved matters application.


It was considered that listing the former Bolsover Hospital site on Part 2 of a Brownfield Land Register would promote and accelerate housing delivery within the District by reducing the risk and cost to the developer of first submitting an application for outline planning permission and then submitting a reserved matters application.  It was proposed that the site be given permission for a minimum of 50 new houses and a maximum of 70 houses.


A completed s.106 legal agreement would also be needed to support an application for technical details consent which should include contributions towards local infrastructure, including on-site provision of 10% affordable housing and contributions to off-site open space and recreation provision education and health. Details of what was proposed in respect of the former Bolsover Hospital site contributions was set out in the report.


Before the site could be listed in Part 2 of the Brownfield Lane Register, consultation needed to be carried out with publicity by way of a site notice and information published on the Council’s website. The Council also needed to consult with Old Bolsover Town Council and Derbyshire County Council.


It was therefore recommended that before any resolution to approve the proposal to enter the former Bolsover Hospital site on to Part 2 of the Council’s Brownfield Land Register is taken into effect; public consultation is carried out and the permission only be granted if there are no overriding objections nor any significant amount of adverse representations arising from consultation on these proposals.  



Moved by Councillor Steve Fritchley and seconded by Councillor Jen Wilson



(1)       Subject to the outcome of public consultation, the former Bolsover Hospital site be entered on to Parts 1 and 2 of the Brownfield Land Register and permission in principle be granted for a minimum of 50 new houses and a maximum of 70 houses on this site.


(2)       Prior to entering the site on to Parts 1 and 2 of the Brownfield Land Register, the Council will consult with Derbyshire County Council and Old Bolsover Town Council and publicise the proposals by way of a site notice and information published on the Council’s website, allowing 42 days for responses. 


(3)       A resolution to grant permission in principle for residential development on the former Bolsover Hospital site shall take effect following this public consultation subject to no substantial objections being received on substantive planning grounds as a result of this consultation.


(4)       These proposals be returned to the Planning Committee for further consideration in the event that the Town Council or County Council object to these proposals with reference to relevant planning considerations and/or in the event the proposals give rise to twenty or more individual representations containing objections made on valid planning grounds.



(Planning Manager (Development Control))


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