Agenda item


In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 10, to consider motions on notice from Members.


a) Motion submitted by Councillor James Watson


That Bolsover District Council is concerned about poor air quality and its detrimental effect on the wellbeing of its young residents and their life opportunities.


Bolsover District Council resolves:


    (i)        To help mitigate the risks of pollutants affecting young people’s future well-being, for all schools within Bolsover District to be encouraged to monitor air quality by Bolsover District Council offering a quarterly service to monitor Nitrogen Dioxide and Particulate Matter (PM) 2.5 levels in each classroom, free of charge.


  (ii)        within the next 6 months, to notify every school in Bolsover District of this service.


 (iii)        to report to Council on an annual basis, commencing from the date the first school takes up this service:

a)    the number of schools taking up this service;

b)    the number of Nitrogen Dioxide readings taken over a one hour period above 200 micro grams per cubic metre;

c)    the number of PM 2.5 readings in excess of 12 micro grams per cubic metre over a 24 hour period;

d)    as long as the school grants permission, the schools where readings are in excess of the Nitrogen Dioxide and PM 2.5 levels stated above.


 (iv)        to find out the cost of supplying air purifiers to schools and report these findings to the next Council meeting.


In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 10, Councillors were able to submit Motions on Notice for consideration at meetings of Council.


a) The following motion was submitted for consideration by Councillor James Watson


That Bolsover District Council is concerned about poor air quality and its detrimental effect on the wellbeing of its young residents and their life opportunities.


Bolsover District Council resolves:


    (i)        To help mitigate the risks of pollutants affecting young people’s future well-being, for all schools within Bolsover District to be encouraged to monitor air quality by Bolsover District Council offering a quarterly service to monitor Nitrogen Dioxide and Particulate Matter (PM) 2.5 levels in each classroom, free of charge.


  (ii)        within the next 6 months, to notify every school in Bolsover District of this service.


 (iii)        to report to Council on an annual basis, commencing from the date the first school takes up this service:


a)    the number of schools taking up this service;

b)    the number of Nitrogen Dioxide readings taken over a one hour period above 200 micro grams per cubic metre;

c)    the number of PM 2.5 readings in excess of 12 micro grams per cubic metre over a 24 hour period;

d)    as long as the school grants permission, the schools where readings are in excess of the Nitrogen Dioxide and PM 2.5 levels stated above.


 (iv)        to find out the cost of supplying air purifiers to schools and report these findings to the next Council meeting.


In presenting his motion Councillor James Watson read the motion in full to Members of the Council. In addition, he highlighted that there was an increasing number of school age children within the local area suffering with respiratory problems. He expressed his concerns about the long term damage and called on the Council to resolve action to mitigate these risks.


The motion called for air purifiers in schools and requested that costs be investigated and reported to the next meeting of Council.


Councillor Ross Walker duly seconded the motion and reserved his right to speak.


Councillor Nick Clarke proposed an amendment to the motion as follows:


That matters raised within the motion be referred to the Healthy, Safe, Clean and Green Communities Scrutiny Committee and the Carbon Reduction Working Group who will bring forward recommendations for the Executive to consider.


Councillor Ann Clarke duly seconded the motion.


The Leader of the Council supported the amendment and felt that referral to the Scrutiny Committee would allow every opportunity for a detailed debate. He further urged Members to support the amendment where details and costs could be investigated fully.


Councillor Natalie Hoy suggested that local schools be invited to be part of the group for the discussions and the consensus of the meeting was that this could be accommodated.


In exercising his right to reply to the discussion on the motion Councillor James Watson wished to maintain the wording within his motion as put.


On being put to the vote the amendment was carried, and therefore became the substantive motion which was also carried.


Moved by Cllr Nick Clarke and seconded by Cllr Anne Clarke

RESOLVED that the matters raised in the motion put by Councillor James Watson in relation to mitigating the risks of pollutants be referred to Healthy, Safe, Clean and Green Communities Scrutiny Committee and the Carbon Reduction Working Group requesting recommendations to be brought forward to Executive.

(The Scrutiny Officer)