Agenda item

Corporate Ambitions Performance Update - April to June 2020 (Q1 - 2020/21)

Report to follow.


Committee considered a report in relation to the Quarter 1 outturns (April to June 2020) for the Council’s Ambition Performance Framework 2020-2024 targets and relevant supporting service indicators.


Ten targets supported Our Customers – Providing excellent and accessible services’aim as of 30th June 2020.  Six targets were on track and four targets had been affected by Covid19.


The following Targets were on Track;


CUS.01 - Measure customer satisfaction in all front facing service areas at least every two years on a rolling programme


This was a new target to audit front line services. 


Contact Centres and Leisure Centres had arrangements in place to formally measure customer satisfaction every 2 years.  A quick and easy system was being developed for capturing customer feedback, e.g., comment cards.  Every 2 years Streetscene used the Citizen Panel to measure satisfaction with its suite of front line services.  The next step was to undertake an audit to establish gaps in customer satisfaction measurement and use the information to inform a rolling programme.


CUS.02 - Improve the overall performance and usability of the website by achieving a maximum score of 4 on 'Better Connect website report' by Dec 2022


A new website was being developed and would be launched in September 2020. 


CUS.04 - Work with partners to deliver the Sustainable Communities Strategy and publish an evaluation report annually


During 2019, thematic action groups worked on defining their new priorities and actions for the refreshed Sustainable Community Strategy 2020-2023.  It was agreed that the document would align with the Council's Plan, therefore annual reviews would no longer be required.  A draft had been designed and sent to all partners for consultation during October/November 2019.  Feedback was received and amendments made with a final draft approved by Bolsover Partnership Executive Board in February 2020 and approved by Council in March 2020.  The Sustainable Community Strategy 2020 - 2023 refresh document was launched electronically at the Bolsover Partnership AGM in April 2020.



CUS.05 - Monitor performance against the corporate equality objectives and publish information annually


A review of performance against corporate equality objectives for 2019/20 had commenced and would be published by September 2020.


Due to Covid 19 restrictions, scheduled equality panel meetings had not taken place and were suspended until further notice.  It had not been possible to schedule Zoom panel meetings since various panel members did not have internet access.


An Equality Impact Assessment was finalised for Video Conferencing and provided our Economic Development Team with advice and guidance on Equal Opportunities and Equality Monitoring.


CUS.06 - Prevent homelessness for more than 50% of people who are facing homelessness each year


There had been 36 approaches from people facing homelessness. 18 cases had been prevented from becoming homeless (this included 4 cases still open and receiving support - 50% in total).  These figures included 11 single people accommodated under the Government’s 'Everyone In' requirement to ensure there was no one without accommodation during Covid 19.


CUS.08 - Maintain high levels of tenant satisfaction with council housing and associated services


The only tenant satisfaction currently captured was after a repair had been undertaken and for Quarter 1 - 100% satisfaction was achieved.  Further work would be undertaken over quarter 2 on how to roll out measuring satisfaction across the whole of housing services, including how this would be captured and recorded. 


Targets affected by the Covid 19 lockdown;


CUS.03 - Ensure that at least 50% of transactions are made through digital channels by Dec 2024


Baseline not completed due to Covid19 and service area priorities.  The service areas identified to measure the target were Customer Services, Leisure, Revenues and Streetscene.  Information was also being sought through the Service Planning process.
Q1- 2020/21 Customer Services only - online transactions 2,605 Face/Face & Tel Contact 19,882 (F/F only from 15th June due to Contact Centres not being open) compared to (Q1 - 2019/20 Customer Service - online transactions 641 F/F & Tel Contact 30,769).


CUS.07- Reduce average relet times for standard voids (Council properties) to 20 calendar days by March 2021 and maintain thereafter


The average number of days for Quarter 1 was 55 days.  There had been no sheltered accommodation let during this time.  The high figure was due to the impact of Covid19 on the department and the halt on all lettings.


CUS.09 - Increase participation/attendances in leisure, sport, recreation, health, physical and cultural activity by 3,000 per year


All activities had been suspended due to Covid19.  The Go Active facility would re-open on Saturday 25th July 2020 with limited access to the gym, swimming pool and exercise classes.


CUS.10 - Deliver a health intervention programme which provides *** adults per year with a personal exercise plan via the exercise referral scheme


The health referral programme had been suspended due to Covid19 and it was not anticipated to resume when the Go Active facility re-opened on 25th July 2020 due to the majority of clients being classed as ‘at risk’.  However, the situation would be monitored and the programme introduced when advice and guidance allowed.  A target number would be assigned at that point.


Service Indicators


There were 21 supporting service indicators.  Fourteen indicators had positive outturns, five indicators had been affected by Covid19, 1 indicator had a negative outturn and 1 indicator was within target.  The Quarter 1 outturns for these indicators were included in the appendix to the report.


A Member queried if cash transactions had been re-established in the Contact Centres.  The Information, Engagement and Performance Manager would enquire about this and advise Members.


Another Member queried if welfare adaptations would be incorporated in the new Performance Indicators, due to discussions by the Committee back in February.  The Information, Engagement and Performance Manager replied that all Heads of Service would be putting their service plans together around October and she would pass this query on at service level.  This area of service delivery had been highlighted to the relevant department for consideration.


Moved by Councillor Rose Bowler and seconded by Councillor Andrew Joesbury

RESOLVED that the report be noted.


Supporting documents: