Committee considered a report on the first draft of the Empty Property Strategy. The Strategy set out the Council’s objectives in relation to bringing empty properties back into use.
Members were informed that there were approximately 750 properties in the District that had been empty for more than 6 months as at August 2020. This was an increase of approx. 100 since 2019, however it was noted that comparatively, this was not as bad as some other local authority areas which had seen numbers double due to the Covid-19 pandemic. It was believed that many of these empty properties were short term ‘transactional’ cases and it was anticipated that this number would decrease again in coming months as estate agents had reported seeing sales and lettings levels increase recently.
Empty properties represented a waste resource and were the main focus of the empty property strategy.
The draft strategy tied together the three main strands of empty property work: advice, assistance and enforcement, and it presented a framework for co-ordinated work to shape an Empty Property Action Plan. The strategy was also to have a key role in helping to secure potential external funding for housing related projects across the District.
The Joint Empty Properties Officer took Committee through the Strategy, explaining the key parts and their rationale. The promotional work undertaken by the service was outline, demonstrating the steps taken to actively engage with owners of empty properties. This included highlighting available support/ financing for options to bring the property back into use.
Councillor Tom Munro joined the meeting and Councillor Tricia Clough left the meeting at this point.
Committee were advised that legislation enabled the Council to charge an additional premium, or uplift, on council tax for empty properties, increasing for each additional year it remained vacant. For example, 200% of the usual council tax rate could be charged for a property empty for over two years. This power was not yet used by the Council however a working group had been set up to explore this option.
The Joint Empty Properties Officer informed Members that he works closely with Environmental Health and other services through the Corporate Enforcement Group, to work collaboratively to tackle empty properties where they cause issues in the community.
Consultation on the strategy was to be carried out at various stages throughout the development process with internal and external organisation, including public, private and voluntary sectors.
Members were concerned that the VAT discount on refurbishments after a property was empty for two years might act as an incentive to leave the property empty until it was eligible for the discount. The Joint Empty Properties Officer advised that this was unlikely as the discount was not well known and only promoted to owners/landlords with properties already empty for two years.
A Member queried whether the Compulsory Purchase Order power could be used in respect of properties where tenants were causing anti-social behaviour. The Joint Empty Properties Officer advised that in relation to the empty property procedure, the property would have to be vacant, unless the occupants were only squatters. The Solicitor to the Council commented that there were various circumstances in which h Councils could use Compulsory Purchase Orders but she believed that anti-social behaviour caused by private sector rental properties was not one of them.
It was noted that the use of Compulsory Purchase Orders was only considered as a last resort.
Committee discussed the proposal to consider Council Tax premiums for long term empty properties and asked how this proposal would be determined. It was confirmed that an officer working group was looking at the options and this would be reported to Executive and Council for approval when setting the Council Tax rates. A Member commented that there would be a conflict of interest for Members with second homes.
A Member also queried whether there was any schemes in which veterans could be involved in bringing empty properties back into use. The Joint Housing Strategy and Growth Manager advised that there had been similar schemes run previously by Groundwork Creswell, however nothing was currently planned. It was possible that this could be incorporated in any apprenticeship and kick-starter schemes as part of the Bolsover Homes programme.
The Scrutiny and Elections Officer advised Committee that the Customer Service and Transformation Scrutiny Committee had been conducting a review of the housing allocations policy and this included consideration of the priority given to veterans.
Committee discussed empty commercial properties and whether Council owned vacant units could be offered at low rents for start-up businesses. The Joint Housing Strategy and Growth Manager advised that this was a matter for the Estates team in liaison with economic growth. However it was noted that the market for commercial units such as office spaces had changed due to the pandemic and demand for office space had decreased with more people working from home. Many businesses were looking to downsize.
In relation to privately owned commercial properties that were vacant, these were often converted to residential dwellings. Whilst this had an impact in reducing available commercial units, it could also be seen to have a positive impact on Town Centres when empty units in these areas become dwellings due to the increase in footfall and local shopping as a result.
A Member gave an example of an empty property in their ward, the former Co-op building in Whitwell, and how it was in the process of being converted into flats. It was commented that this would help to meet the demand for affordable single occupancy accommodation in the area.
It was queried whether there were any powers or options for dealing with empty properties that were not covered in the Strategy. The Joint Empty Properties Officer confirmed that an option to identify a mortgage lender where a property has a mortgage on it, and to contact the lender to encourage the owner to take action, particularly if they may be in breach of mortgage conditions where the property has been left empty. He agreed to add reference to this into the Strategy.
Committee also discussed whether a selective licensing scheme could be introduced. The Joint Housing Strategy and Growth Manager advised that these schemes could only be introduced where there are issues in a particular area caused by the private rental sector. He did not believe that there were any such areas within Bolsover District at this time, however Members were requested to contact him if they were aware of any issues within their wards. It was noted that there had previously been issues in Shirebrook with private landlords, however through working with other departments such as Environmental Health, it was considered that these issues had significantly improved and a selective licensing scheme would not be necessary.
The Scrutiny and Elections Officer also passed on the comment from another Member who was not present, that the action plan attached to the Strategy did not contain any specific mention of involvement with Members. The Joint Empty Property Officer confirmed he was keen to have input from Members with knowledge of their local areas.
Councillor Sandra Peake, Portfolio Holder – Housing, offered her thanks to the Joint Empty Property Officer and the Joint Housing Strategy and Growth Manager for their presentation of the Strategy. She also praised the team for their work in this area, commenting on how difficult it can be to get in touch with owners and that this can involve dealing with very difficult and varied circumstances. She encouraged all Members to contact the team with details of any properties in their area that they suspect are empty or are causing issues.
The Portfolio Holder and Officers were thanked for attending the meeting and for providing the presentation.
Moved by Councillor Jen Wilson and seconded by Councillor Derek Adams
RESOLVED – that the Committee notes the report and agrees to support the initial draft of the Empty Property Strategy.
Councillors Chris Kane, Mary Dooley and Sandra Peake left the meeting at this point.
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