Agenda item

Update from Scrutiny Chairs


Customer Service & Transformation Scrutiny Committee:


The Chair of Customer Service & Transformation Scrutiny Committee reported that since the last Budget Scrutiny Committee meeting on 30th July 2020, the Customer Service & Transformation Scrutiny Committee had held three public meetings and three informal meetings. She added that:


1) Members had considered two separate complaints reports – the Oct 19-Mar 20 report and the Annual Complaints report, and the Ombudsman Annual Letter. The Committee received an update on the redevelopment of the Council’s Website to comply with new accessibility regulations, and completed a spotlight review looking at the Impact of COVID-19 on Customer services & Contact Centres. 


2) Members had just commenced a Review of IT Services & Support and intended to look at Procurement Services later in the municipal year.


3) Post-scrutiny monitoring against two past reviews was nearing completion:

a) The final report in relation to the operational Review of Standards Committee was considered by the Committee in October 2020 with all recommendations bar one complete.  Once pandemic restrictions eased, it was hoped that the Parish Council Liaison meetings would recommence for the last recommendation to be completed. b) The final report in relation to the Review of Delivery of Environmental Health & Licensing had two recommendations outstanding and would be considered at the December 2020 meeting.


3) Further work was taking place in relation to both of the reviews of the Committee from 2019/20 on Review of Re-letting of Council Properties and the Review of New Bolsover, due to the impact of COVID-19 on completion of works on site.


Healthy, Safe, Clean & Green Communities Scrutiny Committee:


The Chair of Customer Service & Transformation Scrutiny Committee reported on this Committee on behalf the Chair of Healthy, Safe, Clean & Green Communities Scrutiny Committee. She reported that since the lockdown began, the Committee had held two public virtual meetings and two informal virtual meetings. She added that:


1) Members had considered the Q1 Ambitions Performance Report, received a report in relation to the spotlight review looking on the Impact of COVID-19 on Waste Collection Services, and completed a spotlight review looking at the Impact of COVID-19 on Leisure Services.  This involved a presentation from the Leisure Operations Manager based on an initial brief from Members and a Q&A.  Members had also reviewed the proposed consultation draft of the BDC Sex Establishment Policy and Procedure prior to submission to Licensing Committee.


2) Members had expanded the usual annual review of Health & Wellbeing to consider the impact of COVID-19, and will be questioning officers from HR and Health & Safety.


3) The review from 2019/20 in relation to Children in Care and Care Leavers was still progressing but had been altered by the pandemic and the need to focus on the more immediate impact of COVID-19.


Growth Scrutiny Committee:


The Chair of Growth Scrutiny Committee reported that the Growth Scrutiny Committee had met four times formally and three times informally under the new arrangements of the Coronavirus Regulations. She added that:


1) Members had considered the Q1 Ambitions Performance Report, the Growth Strategy Update for Q3 and Q4 2019/20 and the Growth PIs for the same period.


2) Members had now considered the consultation draft of the Empty Property Strategy and at the next meeting in December 2020 would be looking at the consultation draft of the Housing Strategy. 


3) Members had also had further discussion of the Director’s response to the Reconsideration of the Decision – Sale of Land at Glapwell, and had now drawn work in relation to the call-in to a close.


4) At the last meeting of the Committee, Members considered a report from the Partnership team on the refresh of the Sustainable Community Strategy and also assessed the achievements of the partnership to date and the work of the partnership in response to COVID-19.


5) The Committee had recently agreed a new review scope to look at the Council’s relationship with Robert Woodhead Limited.  The first evidence gathering session had taken place examining the Bolsover Homes contract.


6) The Committee’s mini-review looking at the private rented sector and selective licensing was now not moving ahead, due to recent information gathered as part of the development of the Empty Property Strategy.  There was no further impact scrutiny could have had at this time.


RESOLVED that the updates be noted.