Agenda item

Local Development Order to Facilitate and Enable Regeneration of Shirebrook Market Place




1)    that the Local Development Order be put in place to facilitate and enable the regeneration of Shirebrook Market Place.


2)    the reason for the Local Development Order was to support the significant investment being made in improving the environmental quality of the Market Place in Shirebrook and to accelerate delivery of regeneration schemes should funding arise by


(i)            streamlining the planning process for the regeneration works

(ii)          ensuring a consistent high quality of design was achieved that provided a long-lasting legacy that would benefit the local community, improve the character and appearance of the Market Place and improve the local economy.


3)    the Local Development Order grants planning permission for improvements and additions to the Market Place within the area shown on red on the plan set out in the report, including:

·         hard and soft landscaping works, including planting, planters, re-surfacing, and water features

·         street furniture, including seating, bus stops, bins, cycle racks, information boards, bollards, and street safety measures

·         small buildings for community uses including toilet blocks, changing rooms, and information points

·         public art

·         play equipment


subject to the following conditions:

·         prior approval for the proposed works must be obtained from the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of any development


4)    That the Order shall take effect following approval by the Executive


5)    That delegated authority be granted to the Planning Manager (Development Control) to grant and/or grant delegated powers to officers in the Planning Service to grant prior approval for subsequent applications made under this LDO.


Executive considered the report of the Portfolio Holder – Corporate Governance which sought approval for a Local Development Order (LDO) to redevelop Shirebrook Market Place. 


The report set out that the LDO would support the existing investment being made in the Town Centre by the shop repairs scheme by removing red tape.  The LDO would also create an ‘in principle’ permission which would help to facilitate and enable the regeneration of Shirebrook Market Place.


The report stated that the LDO had been subject to a formal consultation for a 28 day period.  One letter had been received which supported the proposals for regeneration of the Market Place with the exception of any water features.


Moved by Councillor Duncan McGregor and seconded by Councillor Mary Dooley



1)    that the Local Development Order be put in place to facilitate and enable the regeneration of Shirebrook Market Place.


2)    the reason for the Local Development Order was to support the significant investment being made in improving the environmental quality of the Market Place in Shirebrook and to accelerate delivery of regeneration schemes should funding arise by


(i)            streamlining the planning process for the regeneration works

(ii)          ensuring a consistent high quality of design was achieved that provided a long-lasting legacy that would benefit the local community, improve the character and appearance of the Market Place and improve the local economy.


3)    the Local Development Order grants planning permission for improvements and additions to the Market Place within the area shown on red on the plan set out in the report, including:

·         hard and soft landscaping works, including planting, planters, re-surfacing, and water features

·         street furniture, including seating, bus stops, bins, cycle racks, information boards, bollards, and street safety measures

·         small buildings for community uses including toilet blocks, changing rooms, and information points

·         public art

·         play equipment


subject to the following conditions:

·         prior approval for the proposed works must be obtained from the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of any development


4)    That the Order shall take effect following approval by the Executive


5)    That delegated authority be granted to the Planning Manager (Development Control) to grant and/or grant delegated powers to officers in the Planning Service to grant prior approval for subsequent applications made under this LDO.



The Local Development Order would support the existing investment being made in the Town Centre by the shop front repairs scheme by removing red tape, granting planning permission for the regeneration works listed, and avoid the need for individuals to gain planning permission.  The LDO would be an effective tool to make the planning process easier, thereby encouraging participation in the regeneration of the Market Place. 



A do nothing option was rejected because there was an identified need to promote and encourage the regeneration of Shirebrook Market Place and consensus to move from ‘master planning’ to delivery.  A do more option was rejected because of the cost and delay incurred attempting to agree detailed designs and delivery options with a range of stakeholders.


(Director of Development)

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