Agenda item

Growth Strategy - Monitoring Update Q1 2021/22


The Assistant Director of Development and Planning presented a Quarter 1 2021/22 monitoring update on the Growth Strategy. He also gave a presentation which went into more detail on Workers’ Co-operatives, Community Wealth Building and the Social Value Strategy.


The Assistant Director of Development and Planning explained that the Committee would be consulted with in the future on the measures and work needed to achieve the outcomes listed in the presentation. The Solicitor added that some of the outcomes would form part of the proposed Scrutiny review on ‘To consider how Worker Co-ops and Employee Ownership could be a driving factor in Regional Economic Recovery’ which was later in this meeting’s agenda.


The Chair referred to Oxcroft House being included in the Strategy and asked what was being planned for it. The Business Growth Manager explained that the property had two interested parties, and one of them wanted to turn it into a secondary school.


Councillor Jim Clifton referred to a mention in the report about a marketing budget and asked how much this was. The Business Growth Manager explained that the overall marketing fee was £3,000 a year (shared with North East Derbyshire District Council) which was a reduction on what it used to be.


Councillor Jim Clifton asked if there was a risk of break ins with so many properties standing empty. The Business Growth Manager explained that empty properties were well screened and secure, and although one had recently been broken into, the property had been resecured.


Councillor Jim Clifton asked if the Council could advertise some of the commercial properties on the Council website. The Business Growth Manager explained that commercial properties had to be advertised on external websites.


The Chair asked how the site at Shirebrook Crematorium was progressing. The Business Growth Manager explained that a report would be considered at Executive next week, and a consultant had completed a design.


The Assistant Director of Development and Planning updated Members on the Coalite site by stating that road was being inserted and it would be ready in October 2021.


Councillor David Dixon referred to nothing happening at the Clowne Garden Village development since it received planning permission at Planning Committee three years ago, and asked what had delayed development. The Assistant Director of Development and Planning explained there was an ongoing discussion with waste and highways stakeholders about the roundabout in the area.


Councillor David Dixon asked if the Council had other options to continue the development on the Clowne Garden Village site if other parties prevented it from happening. The Assistant Director of Development and Planning explained that the Council could invest transportation funds, but the Council would be unable to use public money for something that might not happen.


Councillor David Dixon asked what the immediate timescale was to start the Clowne Garden Village development. The Assistant Director of Development and Planning explained that the resolution at Planning Committee three years ago to give the development planning permission lasts for three years, so it might have to come back to Planning Committee at some point in 2021.


The Business Growth Manager stated that an update on COVID returns would be provided to the Committee at a future meeting.


Councillor David Dixon was pleased that certain developments in the action plan were utilising modern methods of construction (MMC). The Portfolio Holder - Growth/Economic Development added that a scheme was planned in Langwith to use the MMC standard for buildings.


RESOLVED that the Quarter 1 2021/22 monitoring update on the Growth Strategy be noted.


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