Executive’s approval was sought for the use of ring-fenced external funding from Derbyshire County Council (DCC) Public Health to commission an external organisation or consortium to deliver against pre-defined objectives to improve the emotional health and wellbeing of children and young people.
Members shared a number of concerns about the three target areas identified in the report (Bolsover, Clowne and Shirebrook) such as:
1. Some Members felt the three areas were a small part of a large District, and this plan overlooked smaller towns and villages.
2. Some Members were concerned the selection of the three areas had received no input from Members.
3. Some Members were concerned that the Council would have no control over the selection of the areas.
The Commissioning and Contracts Officer sought to address these concerns and explained:
1. The three areas would not be set in stone and there would be scope for Members to provide local intelligence to help inform the areas of delivery.
2. The Council has already received funding and it would be overseen and managed at a local level by Bolsover Partnership’s Commissioning Group.
Moved by Councillor Duncan McGregor and seconded by Councillor Clive Moesby.
(i) Executive agrees the use of ring-fenced external funding, from Derbyshire County Council (DCC) Public Health, to commission an external organisation or consortium to deliver against pre-defined objectives which aim to improve the emotional health and wellbeing of children and young people. This will be for an initial period of 24 months from 1st June 2022.
(ii) Executive agrees a collaborative approach with North East Derbyshire District Council who have funding for the same activity from DCC Public Health, and proceed with a joint commission in recognition of the shared aims and objectives therefore maximising resource and achieving best value for money.
(iii) Executive agrees the flexibility to extend the contract beyond June 2024 subject to budget availability from DCC Public Health, or other external funding providers, and successful delivery of output and outcomes.
1. For the Council to support this initiative to improve the emotional health and wellbeing of children and young people living in Bolsover by developing apreventative approach that enables the expansion of mental health awareness, awareness of preventative factors, building resilience and raising aspirations. This could have longer term impact improving community cohesion and reducing anti-social behaviour, although not a key driver at this stage.
2. This will not have a direct impact on Council budgets and will be fully funded by DCC Public Health. The collaborative approach with North East District Council enables the maximisation of resources and provides best value for money.
3. The tender process will create a transparent approach in appointing an organisation or consortium that will be able to deliver the objectives, offer the best value for money and meet the needs of children and young people living in Bolsover.
The option to ‘do nothing’ and not utilise the external funding could undermine post-COVID recovery. There wouldn’t be increased interventions to support younger residents in Bolsover build resilience and cope with mental health issues later in life. A local tailored approach would be unlikely and not meet the outcomes required. To provide this support in-house using Council budgets was also not an option as no additional resources were available.
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