Agenda item

Growth Strategy - Monitoring Update Q3 2021/22


The Assistant Director of Development and Planning presented a report on the progress against activities set out in the Growth Strategy and the Action Plan.


Councillor Derek Adams referred to the mention of the former Coalite site in paragraph 2.3 of the report (how Bolsover Land Limited had sold over 80 acres at its 1.4 million sq. ft.Horizon 29 warehouse and logistics development for £39.9 million) and asked if any Section 106 money would be applied for. The Assistant Director of Development and Planning explained that there would not be the opportunity in this case. He also mentioned that plot 5 could now be developed fully as a building site due to the works that had taken place.  This had previously been earmarked as a potential Lorry Park site, although it had been determined that it was not commercially viable for the Council to run such a venture.  It was also noted that there had been interest in a site at Barlborough for a potential Lorry park and a discussion took place around the parking issues faced on Barlborough Links.


Councillor Tricia Clough asked what the impact of the Shirebrook Growth Corridor could be on surrounding villages. The Assistant Director of Development and Planning explained that following officer recommendations, the Council’s Planning Committee had resolved to concentrate on two areas of Growth (Creswell and Shirebrook) for now, and the aims of the Shirebrook Growth Corridor were to connect Shirebrook to the M1 and to ease traffic in Glapwell, Doe Lea and Bramley Vale.


Councillor Tricia Clough asked if all of Glapwell’s houses and land were in the Growth plan. The Assistant Director of Development and Planning explained they were not at the moment, but the Shirebrook Growth Corridor could be replicated elsewhere if the same aims were met. In relation to queries around the Glapwell Neighbourhood Plan being developed, it was noted that this would need to comply with existing plans but that it was possible to encourage areas for housing/employment through it, if adopted following a Referendum.


Councillor Tracey Cannon and Councillor Tricia Clough both asked questions regarding residents being able to purchase the Council’s garage sites. The Assistant Director of Development and Planning explained that they could go to auction or meet the market value, but if they were unable to afford this, the Council could sell them for less than ‘best consideration’ if there were sufficient social, economic and or environmental grounds to do so.


The Assistant Director of Development and Planning referred to paragraph 2.6 of the report (Promoting the District and increasing Tourism) and explained that someone had been recruited to the visitor economy post, but they pulled out.


Councillor Tricia Clough referred to the Council submitting Bolsover as one of the towns in the Platinum Jubilee Civic Honours Competition, and asked if this bid had cost the Council anything to put together. The Assistant Director of Development and Planning explained that the bid had not cost anything apart from officer time.


Councillor David Dixon referred to discussions at past meetings about measuring the demographics of Bolsover District, and asked if this had been investigated. The Assistant Director of Development and Planning said this was being undertaken by officers and would be presented at a future meeting. The new CRM system (Customer Relationship Management) which was planned for implementation would also help to gather further business profile information.


Councillor David Dixon asked if improving the Transport Infrastructure had recently been investigated. The Assistant Director of Development and Planning explained officers had been in discussions with Derbyshire County Council about a Bus Service Improvement Plan. Officers were also assessing the potential for a pilot for Direct Response transport, where residents could book the service in advance.


Councillor Tricia Clough was concerned that some older residents struggled to get to doctor appointments. The Assistant Director of Development and Planning explained that Partnerships were doing a piece of work about addressing loneliness and issues faced by older people through improved transport links.


Councillor Derek Adams moved and Councillor Tracey Cannon seconded

RESOLVED to note the report and action plan.


(Assistant Director of Development and Planning)


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