The Joint Housing Policy and Intelligence Officer presented a report which gave an update on the Housing Strategy 2021 – 2024’s Action Plan. Due to some gaps in the update report further detail was given by Assistant Directors directly within the meeting.
Key Priority 1 – Providing Good Quality Housing
(Aim 1) To date Bolsover Homes had delivered 16 homes with a further 21 to be handed over. Work was also now commencing on site at The Woodlands in Langwith, where new sustainable construction methods would be used. Further development was planned at Market Close, Shirebrook and two further sites were earmarked in Langwith. There were also plans in place for the Woburn Close area in Blackwell. In total all of this should lead to 120 properties.
Councillor Andrew Joesbury asked if building on old garage sites was an idea that had been explored. The Assistant Director of Property Services & Housing Repairs explained that officers had batched them together in Pinxton and South Normanton, but doing the same in Clowne did not stack up financially.
Councillor Andrew Joesbury was concerned that because there was no Council owned land to build on in South Normanton, it would mean no Council Houses being built there. The Assistant Director of Property Services & Housing Repairs assured him that the Council was always looking for land to purchase, and the Dragonfly scheme was partly carried out in South Normanton.
Councillor David Dixon also requested that further discussions take place with Barlborough Parish in relation to garage sites within the locality.
Councillor Clive Moesby declared for transparency that he was the ward Councillor for Blackwell, where housing was planned.
The Housing Policy and Intelligence Officer stated she would investigate how many private households were due to be created in South Normanton and pass the information back to Members. Councillor Andrew Joesbury also requested that she investigate how many of the houses in the Strategy, earmarked for that area, were going to be affordable housing.
(Aim 2) The Assistant Director of Property Services & Housing Repairs explained that officers had spoken to Keepmoat Homes about sites in Hodthorpe and Pinxton. To date 14 homes had been secured from Keepmoat in Bolsover, 9 from Avant in Creswell and 3 in South Normanton. However, he noted that due to changes in Homes England guidelines this was now proving a more difficult route to securing additional stock.
(Aim 3) The Assistant Director of Property Services & Housing Repairs explained noted that the Bolsover Homes ‘Woodlands’ development at Langwith would be built to the Platinum level of the Sustainable Homes standard. Properties under B@Home were built to Bronze level. Councillor David Dixon referred to the Code for Sustainable Homes (low carbon housing stock) and asked what had been done to the Council’s stock. The Assistant Director of Property Services & Housing Repairs explained that they would collect rain water and have air tests. He added that Ground Source heating pumps were piloted 10 years ago.
Councillor David Dixon felt that the wording in the Strategy about Carbon Reduction could be improved. The Housing Policy and Intelligence Officer explained that she would use the wording from the Carbon Reduction Plan. It was also noted that as work in this area had developed significantly since the Strategy was produced and that this action may require amendment to better reflect the work taking place.
(Aim 4) Officers noted that funding had been secured for External Wall Insulation linked to improving EPC ratings and that a match-funding approach was used where possible. A lengthy study had just taken place on our commercial properties and a bid for funding was planned for carbon reduction works. Members discussed the previous site visit to Parkfields, Clowne and requested if a re-visit was possible to see the completed Safe & Warm works. It was agreed to arrange this after the meeting.
(Aim 7) The Joint Housing Policy and Intelligence Officer noted that work was progressing on commissioning a strategy/plan for Private Sector stock. Officers were exploring options for funding to support the work which would include consideration of homelessness and health. It was also noted that there was legislation planned to extend the Decent Homes Standard to the private rented sector.
Councillor David Dixon referred to the Private Sector condition survey and felt pleased that the Council was trying to keep private properties up to standard.
(Aim 8) The Housing Policy and Intelligence Officer explained that after the meeting, Thomas Evans (Empty Property Officer) would send Members a briefing note on a flat in Whitwell that had been empty for 25 years.
Councillor David Dixon asked if it was known how many private landlords were operating in the District. The Housing Policy and Intelligence Officer explained that there was not a national register, but the Housing Strategy could help identify them because it would include a census.
Key Priority 2 – Enabling Housing Growth
Councillor Andrew Joesbury referred to Aim 1 in Key Priority 2 (‘Regeneration’) and felt ‘Town Centre’ should be removed from “The Housing Strategy Strengthen housing links
to the Town Centre Regeneration programmes by building the right property types”. The Scrutiny & Elections Officer also suggested that this aim could be titled ‘Growth’ as opposed to ‘Regeneration’. It was agreed to re-word as there was limited emphasis on housing within the town centre regeneration programmes.
Councillor Andrew Joesbury referred to Aim 2 in Key Priority 2 (‘Partnership working to enable housing growth’) and felt that ‘JV’ should be changed to ‘Joint Venture’. The Officer agreed to amend.
(Aim 3) As discussed previously, a briefing would be circulated by the Empty Property Officer after the meeting.
(Aim 4) The Assistant Director - Housing Management & Enforcement stated that a ‘Support Gypsy and Travellers’ draft Strategy was out for consultation. This would be brought to a future committee meeting.
Key Priority 3 – Supporting Vulnerable and Disadvantaged People
(Aim 1) A draft of the Derbyshire and Staffordshire Moorlands Homelessness & Rough Sleeping Strategy was out to consultation. Lee Pepper attended on behalf of BDC. The current BDC Strategy expires 2023 then this Strategy will be in place, and there will be something additional at a local Bolsover level.
Councillor David Dixon asked how much of a problem Homelessness and Rough Sleeping was at present. The Assistant Director - Housing Management & Enforcement explained that after the worst of the COVID pandemic, many Private Landlords had cut their losses, leading to an increase in Homelessness and Rough Sleeping. Family homelessness was more of an issue over single persons. Officers were working closely with registered providers to get people re-housed and provide bond if necessary.
Councillor Joesbury enquired whether the Council had ‘hard to let’ properties. The The Assistant Director - Housing Management & Enforcement explained that once a property had been through two advertising cycles without success then feedback was sought from those viewing to ascertain why it was deemed unsuitable.
(Aim 2) The Joint Housing Policy and Intelligence Officer noted that there was a lack of Young Persons Supported Housing and also a shortage of carers so DCC are struggling to develop additional provision but are hoping to remedy recruitment issues soon. Additional Supported Housing for complex needs was also required. The officer agreed to circulate the Young Persons Housing Strategy to the Scrutiny Officer for circulation.
(Aim 3) While the Housing Needs Manager had not been replaced, a new Manager for the Independent Living/Lifeline service had been recruited to lead on this area of provision. A big piece of work was required here in switching the service from analogue to digital phonelines. There was also a desire to expand provision of the service to ensure its sustainability in the long-term.
(Aim 5) It was acknowledged that the Committee had been heavily involved in this area with development of the Adaptations Policy.
(Aim 6) Councillor David Dixon referred to the ‘new gas connections to homes on solid fuel heating systems’ in Aim 6 Key Priority 3, and pointed out that giving everyone gas now might lead to a problem in the future when the Council removes them from it. The Assistant Director of Property Services & Housing Repairs explained that they were already seeing gas companies reluctant to take on extra customers and that moving to hydrogen was the longer term strategy.
Moved by Councillor Rose Bowler and seconded by Councillor Andrew Joesbury
RESOLVED to note the Action Plan aims and updates.
(Joint Housing Policy & Intelligence Officer/ Assistant Director of Housing Management & Enforcement/ Assistant Director of Property Services & Housing Repairs)
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