Verbal report
The Assistant Director of Development & Planning gave Members a verbal progress update on the Business Growth Strategy. Core areas of progress included the following:
External Funding |
Over the last 12months approximately £5.5m has been secured from bids.
Bids in Development |
The Business Growth Team are currently working on bids for Round 2 of the Levelling Up Fund (£20m) and Round 3 of the Cultural development Fund (£5). |
BDC Land |
Members will be aware of previous updates in relation to assessments of land for redevelopment and sale. Since 2019 the Council has generated £1.7m from land sales.
Oxcroft House |
A further options appraisal is taking place with 3 to 4 options being considered. One interested partner is the YMCA who would be able to access alternative funding to the Council to support redevelopment of the site.
Pleasley Mills |
Project Manager requirement is underway and it is hoped they will be in post quickly to enable work to progress at the site.
Revenue Streams |
Various schemes are underway to increase the tax base of the authority. The re-development on the former Coalite site is almost complete so buildings should be in situ imminently.
Clowne Garden Village |
This project is still subject to highway negotiations which is causing significant delay to the site. The Council is currently looking at alternative growth options in Shirebrook with a plan currently out to consultation. A further growth plan is being consulted on in Creswell.
Tourism |
The new officer is finally in post and they will be dedicated solely to this area of delivery. The focus will be on capitalising on staycations where possible but also looking at transport between key attraction sites. |
Cllr Adams questioned if it was possible for a committee or working group to be in place to support the tourism development work.
It was agreed that a closer working relationship was needed to enable the Council to build a better understanding of the local profile/tourism offer and a better understanding of the holiday accommodation available. It was noted that a glamping pods had recently set up in the Stanfree area and there was the potential to redevelop part of the Oxcroft Miners Welfare site
Cllr Kirkham queried the planned delivery via Prop Tech II and the Digital Planning improvements.
It was noted that a large part of what was to be delivered was pre-determined by the funding schemes. It was recommended that the Interim Planning Policy Manager attend to brief Members on the work taking place and the new engagement practices being used.
Moved by Councillor David Dixon and seconded by Councillor Derek Adams.
RESOLVED that the monitoring update be noted.
(Assistant Director of Development & Planning)