Agenda item

Sickness Absence - Quarter 3 ( October - December 2022)


The HR & Payroll Manager presented the Sickness Absence report for Quarter 3 (October – December 2022) and highlighted that the average number of days lost per employee was 2.27 days and the average number of days lost per employee, if COVID related symptoms were discounted, was 1.89 days.  The 2022/23 forecast figure for the average number of days lost per employee was 8.76 days.  The annual target for the Local Performance Indicator to the end of March 2023 was 8.5 days.


It was noted that the top three service areas proportionately experiencing the highest levels of sickness were:-


  • Performance
  • Housing Management
  • Streetscene


The lowest service areas for sickness absence were:-


  • Heads of Service
  • HR & Payroll
  • Governance


The key trends for sickness absence were highlighted as follows:-


  • The overall average days lost due to sickness had increased to 2.27 in Quarter 3, this had increased from Quarter 2 but was marginally lower than Quarter 1.
  • 160 days had been lost in Quarter 3 due to Covid19 symptoms (employees unfit for work) compared with 157.5 days lost in the last quarter.
  • The short term sickness had increased from Quarter 2, however, long term sickness had slightly reduced.
  • There were 6 cases of absence due to Stress/Depression during Quarter 3, one of which was work related and 5 were not work related.
  • There were 16 long term cases in this quarter, 7 were due to physical health ailments and 1 was related to Stress/Depression (work related), appropriate support and assistance had been provided to facilitate support for those who had returned to work and those planning to do so.  7 had returned to work and 2 had chosen to resign (the absence was not work related).


The Council had arranged for the following support to be made available to staff:


  • Mental Health awareness sessions – the number of attendees would be reported at year end
  • Cycle to Work Scheme – the number of employees subscribing to this initiative would be reported at year end
  • Employees were being signposted to incentives which were available via Leisure
    • Go Active membership at a cost of £15 per month
    • Health Referral Programme (Physical Activity & Lifestyle Support) which was available to employees residing within the Bolsover District Council area.  This programme was aimed at changing behaviours and finding solutions to assist people facing daily challenges resulting in a concentrated approach regarding service users health and wellbeing.


A Member queried whether staff were attending the mental health awareness sessions.  The HR & Payroll Manager advised that these sessions were run quarterly and that a report detailing the figures would be provided at year end.


A Member asked whether staff were utilising the Cycle to Work Scheme.  The HR & Payroll Manager stated that a few members of staff had used the scheme.


A Unison representative commented that Stress/Depression was frequently highlighted as a sickness absence issue and a suite of support had been made available to staff.  It was suggested that staff be made aware of the services available to them.


A Member highlighted that Other Muscular Skeletal was also an issue, particularly in relation to Streetscene due to the nature of work undertaken by the operatives.  He queried whether consideration was being given to the ageing workforce and asked if programmes were being put in place for the longer term provision of the service.  The Chief Executive stated that plans had been put in place as the ageing workforce was quite high across Streetscene and that the Assistant Director of Streetscene was continually reviewing the service to ensure continuity of service.  The Health & Safety team was also involved in order to try and keep muscular problems to a minimum.


Moved by Councillor Mary Dooley and seconded by Councillor Nick Clarke

RESOLVED that the report be noted.


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