Committee attendance

Climate Change and Communities Scrutiny Committee, 4 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Dexter Bullock 1
Councillor Anne Clarke 4
Councillor David Dixon 4
Councillor Dan Salt 0
Councillor Nick Clarke 4
Councillor Jen Wilson 4
Councillor Evonne Parkin 3
Council, 5 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Ray Heffer 5
Councillor Sandra Peake 5
Councillor Rose Bowler 5
Councillor Duncan McGregor 5
Councillor Mary Dooley 4
Councillor Clive Moesby 4
Councillor Steve Fritchley 5
Councillor Maxine Dixon 5
Councillor Tricia Clough 1
Councillor Liz Smyth 5
Councillor Derek Adams 4
Councillor Allan Bailey 4
Councillor Dexter Bullock 2
Councillor Anne Clarke 5
Councillor David Dixon 5
Councillor Tom Kirkham 3
Councillor Natalie Hoy 1
Councillor Dan Salt 0
Councillor Chris Kane 4
Councillor Rita Turner 5
Councillor Paul Cooper 1
Councillor Nick Clarke 5
Councillor Ross Walker 1
Councillor Jen Wilson 5
Councillor Jim Clifton 4
Councillor Tracey Cannon 1
Councillor David Downes 4
Councillor Andrew Joesbury 5
Councillor Tom Munro 5
Councillor Peter Roberts 4
Councillor Graham Parkin 3
Councillor Janet Tait 5
Councillor Jane Bryson 0
Councillor Deborah Watson 5
Councillor Evonne Parkin 2
Councillor Donna Hales 2
Councillor Mark Hinman 3
Employment and Personnel Committee, 2 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Sandra Peake 0
Councillor Duncan McGregor 1
Councillor Mary Dooley 1
Councillor Dan Salt 0
Councillor Deborah Watson 1
General Licensing Sub Committee, 2 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Ray Heffer 2
Councillor Rose Bowler 1
Councillor Maxine Dixon 1
Councillor Andrew Joesbury 2