There are four Scrutiny Committees that support the work of the Executive and the Council as a whole. They allow Members to consider Council matters in greater detail leading to reports and recommendations which advise Executive on its policies, budget and service delivery. They may also be consulted by the Executive on forthcoming decisions and the development of policy.
The Committees monitor the decisions of the Executive or an individual Member of the Cabinet. It can, in certain circumstances, consider ‘calling-in’ a decision that has been made by the Executive or an individual member of the Cabinet but not yet implemented. This enables the Committee to consider whether the decision is appropriate and ensure that all evidence has been presented to Executive for it to make the right decision.
The Committee reviews the Council’s performance within the Performance Management Framework and makes recommendations to the Executive/Service areas as appropriate, to ensure good performance levels are maintained.
The Committees also receive requests from Members in respect of Councillor Calls for Action.
Each Scrutiny Committee sets a Work Programme of internal scrutiny for the year and monitors progress against it. The Council’s Forward Plan of Key Decisions & Items to be Considered in Private, is considered at every meeting to enable advanced consideration of proposed key decisions.
Climate Change and Communities Scrutiny Committee
The Climate Change and Communities Scrutiny Committee has the following specific responsibilities:
- Health and Safety (Council responsibility)
- HR/Legal/Governance
- Community Safety Partnership/Police
- Bolsover Partnership Strategy
- All Local Authority enforcement/Enforcement Team
- Food Safety
- Health and Wellbeing
- Environmental Health and Safety
- Leisure
- Environmental Health
- Licensing
- Public Health
- Relationship with other authorities including Derbyshire County Council and Parish Councils
- Energy management in relation to the Council’s own Estates and Property
- Community Transport
- Climate Change
- Social Inclusion
The Climate Change and Communities Scrutiny Committee may also cover the following areas:
- Finance
- Legal Requirements
- Staffing and other resources for projects
- Performance monitoring of assigned service areas
Support officer: Thomas Dunne-Wragg. Scrutiny Officer
Phone: 01246 242520