Issue - decisions

Appointment of Chair of the Climate Change and Communities Scrutiny Committee

08/05/2024 - Appointment of Chair of the Climate Change and Communities Scrutiny Committee

Members considered a detailed report, presented by the Monitoring Officer, for Council to decide upon the appointment of the Chair of the Climate Change and Communities Scrutiny Committee.


Following the recent resignation of the Chair of the Climate Change and Communities Scrutiny Committee, Councillor Catherine Tite, it was necessary for the Council to elect a new Chair.


The other Members on the Climate Change and Communities Scrutiny Committee were Councillors Ashley Taylor (Vice Chair), Rob Hiney-Saunders, Cathy Jeffery, Emma Stevenson, Janet Tait, Ross Walker, and Carol Wood.


Councillor Duncan McGregor nominated Councillor Emma Stevenson to be Chair of the Climate Change and Communities Scrutiny Committee.  The nomination was seconded by Councillor Anne Clarke.


RESOLVED that Councillor Emma Stevenson be Chair of the Climate Change and Communities Scrutiny Committee.