Issue - decisions

Independent Remuneration Panel - Scheme of Councillors Allowances

22/07/2024 - Independent Remuneration Panel - Scheme of Councillors Allowances

Council considered a report of the Independent Remuneration Panel (IRP).  The report set out the recommendations and reasons of the IRP, which in summary recommended no change to the level of allowances. Attached to the report at Appendix 1 was the current Members’ Allowances Scheme and at Appendix 2 was the report of the IRP.


The recommendations of the IRP were:


Basic Allowance – Recommendation: no change to the level of Basic Allowance


Special Responsibility Allowance – Recommendation: no change to the level of Special Responsibility Allowance


Other Parts of the Allowance Scheme – Recommendation: no change


Next Review of Allowance Scheme – Recommendation: the Allowances Scheme be reviewed again in three years (unless there was a particular need to address something within that period.)


Moved by Councillor Steve Fritchley and seconded by Councillor David Bennett

RESOLVED that (1) the recommendations of the IRP be agreed in full;


            (2) the Allowances Scheme be reviewed again in three years;


(3) the Director of Governance and Legal Services & Monitoring Officer be delegated authority to amend the Members Allowance Scheme in line with the Council’s decision and to publish the new scheme as required.


(Director of Governance and Legal Services & Monitoring Officer)