Title Notice published Urgent? Status Decision due
Combined Heat and Power Unit for The Arc20/08/2024UrgentFor Determination09/09/2024
Aquisition of land and property09/08/2024For Determination09/09/2024
Grant of an easement along Loxley Lane, Whitwell09/08/2024For Determination09/09/2024
Award of contract for Shirebrook Market Place: REimagined Project Phase 209/08/2024For Determination07/10/2024
Retrofit Pilot and Local Area retrofit Accelerator09/08/2024For Determination09/09/2024
Local Area Energy Planning09/08/2024For Determination09/09/2024
Mine Water Energy Demonstrator and HNDU Feasibility Study09/08/2024For Determination09/09/2024
Vehicle Fleet Replacements28/06/2024For DeterminationBetween 01/07/2024 and 01/10/2024
Proposed sale of approximately 0.93 acres of land at Elmton Lane Bolsover24/05/2024For DeterminationBetween 09/08/2024 and 09/12/2024
Roseland Park and Crematorium - update on project progress19/04/2024For Determination07/10/2024
Renewal of Insurance Policies09/08/2024For DeterminationNot before 09/09/2024