Issue details

Appointment of Contractor to complete flood mitigation works at Pleasley Vale Business Park

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Capital Income or Expenditure of £150,000 or more;

Decision status: For Determination

Notice of proposed decision first published: 28/11/2024

This decision will be taken under urgency procedures.

Reason for urgency:
There is an urgent need to undertake works at Pleasley Vale following the flood damage caused by storm Babet last year. Effectively managing flood risk and protecting the site from future extreme weather events is of paramount importance if the site is to continue operations. It is also important to establish a baseline of flood modelling to inform any future development proposals for the wider site, as any planning application would require detailed flood risk assessments to be undertaken as part of any application. Due to the urgent need to undertake the work the Chair of Local Growth Scrutiny Committee has agreed that it should be treated as a matter of urgency and not be subject to the Scrutiny call-in process.

Decision due: 2 Dec 2024 by Executive

Lead member: Portfolio Holder - Growth

Lead director: Strategic Director of Services

Contact: Natalie Etches, Business Growth Manager Email: