Voting record

This page only displays records where Recorded Votes have been required or requested by three Councillors under the Council Procedure Rules. It is therefore only a very small proportion of the votes taken by Council, Executive and Committees, which are normally conducted by show of hands.

 Council, Wednesday, 6th March, 2024 10.00 am

Item: Level of Council Tax 2024/25

Level of Council Tax 2024/25:

Resolution status:Carried

ForDavid Bennett, Anne Clarke, Rowan Clarke, Amanda Davis, Mary Dooley, Steve Fritchley, Justin Gilbody, Duncan Haywood, Cathy Jeffery, Tom Kirkham, Clive Moesby, Tom Munro, Sandra Peake, Jeanne Raspin, Sally Renshaw, John Ritchie, Phil Smith, Emma Stevenson, Janet Tait, Ashley Taylor, Rita Turner, Deborah Watson, Jen Wilson and Jane Yates24
AgainstWill Fletcher, Louise Fox and Carol Wood3
Conflict Of InterestsNone0