Meeting documents

Monday, 4th March, 2013

Business Items
 Executive - 4th March 2013 
 Executive - 4th March 2013
 Letter Page 
 Agenda Page 
 Compliments Comments Complaints 
 Corporate Plan Targets Quarter 3 Performance Update Report 
 Budget Monitoring Report - Quarter 3 
 Appendices to Quarterly Budget Monitoring Report 
 Risk Strategy 
 Housing Services - Quarterly Update 
 Appendix to Quarterly Housing Update 
 Empty Homes - Groundwork 
 Former Tenant Arrears 
 Arrears Irrecoverable Items over £1000 
 Arrears Irrecoverable Items Over £1000
 Car Park at Elmton Road Creswell
 Plan of Car Park
 CCTV Tenders
 CCTV Tenders - Supplementary Report
 Tender Evaluation Outcome - Legionella Monitorng Services
 Tender Evaluation Outcome - Pleasley Vale Mills Cleaning Contract
 Pleasley Vale Mills Evaluation
 Tender Evaluation Outcome - Woburn House External Wall Insulation
 Woburn House - Supporting e-mail
 To approve the minutes of a meeting of the Executive held on 6th February 2013 
 Notice of Items to be considered in Private